Week 40

Baby unloading!

The estimated due date is arriving! The mother may start feeling stronger contractions this week. However, it is normal for the baby to arrive post-40thth week. Healthy babies come in different sizes, and one cannot put a figure on the size or weight of healthy babies. 

Fetus at 40 weeks


Final showdown!


Sleep as and when you can. You must be well-rested. If sleeping on the bed, try sleeping facing sideways. Conserve your energy stores for labor. Worry less and try not to overthink the future.  Manifest that you are going to have an eventful labor.


Be prepared to go into labor anytime these last few weeks. Baby is kept all cozy, via the body fat, which is at least 15%. The baby gets engaged, that is, the head occupies the lower portion of the womb earliest by 35 weeks and anytime thereafter. Keep your hospital bags packed and stay positive for a fruitful labor experience.


Stem cell banking


Family cord blood banking means parents pay a private bank to store their baby’s cord blood so that they will have access to the stem cells in case of need. When parents deliver at a hospital that accepts cord blood donations for public transplants, they should ask if the hospital has any policy on DCC/ delayed cord clamping.

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