Week 39

Baby is the size of a jackfruit now and weighs nearly 3.4 kg!

  • The baby may arrive any time soon.

  •  Baby’s body fat is increasing to provide warmth post-birth. This is known as thermoregulation.

  •  Baby’s body fat is increasing to provide warmth post-birth. This is known as thermoregulation.

Fetus at 39 weeks


Hang in for a few more days to meet your little one. Your desire for these days to be cut short to meet your baby is quite understandable. Try doing yoga and meditation, especially breathing exercises, to calm your nerves. Keep all things in order as your ‘Real contractions’ might start anytime soon.


Vaginal delivery vs C section
  1. One of the main goals in every labor ward, dealing with childbirth, is performing a safe delivery with a healthy baby. During pregnancy, women should decide about the mode of delivery.
  2. Despite many myths, vaginal delivery is always safe and most preferred mode of delivery. In case of any complications that hinder normal delivery, your ob-gyn might advise you for a cesarean section.
Vaginal Delivery
  1. During vaginal birth, the mother will experience labor as her cervix dilates. Uterine contractions, move the baby’s head toward the vaginal opening. From here, the baby emerges after pushing. Some women opt for painkillers like an epidural, while others go medication-free.
  2. You will probably be able to hold your little one immediately after birth. The delivery can last 12 to 14 hours for first-time moms. It is usually quicker for subsequent births.
Cesarean section
  1. A C-section operation, on the other hand, usually takes about 45 minutes from start to finish (the baby is born in the first 10 to 15 minutes). The vast majority of C-sections are performed while the mother is awake.  Don’t worry, the mother receives either an epidural to numb the lower half of the body. The doctor makes an incision just above your bikini line and into the wall of the abdomen. Another incision is made in the wall of the uterus, through which the baby is delivered. Recovery time is difficult to predict. Different moms experience different levels of postoperative soreness.

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