Week 38

Baby is the size of a mini watermelon now and weighs nearly 3.3 kg!

  • The neurons in the brain are multiplying in number and the baby is putting on weight effectively.

  • The baby can firmly grasp her hands now.

  • Lanugo hair is almost completely gone. Some babies are born with hair, while some are born with sparse hair or bald head.

TME Tips: The hair that remains after birth is normal for some babies. Shaving or rigorous rubbing/massaging is completely unnecessary.

Fetus at 38 weeks


You might be feeling more uncomfortable these last weeks. Tucking in bed is also getting difficult. You may develop a sudden urge to keep your house squeaky clean, pre-prepare your meals and get all the things ready in place. This instinct to get everything ready is called ‘nesting’. Most women during this time go through this phase. There is nothing you need to worry about.

TME Tips: As you wait for the baby to arrive, don’t forget to cross off the last weeks’ checklist.


Induction of labor is a medical procedure where labor is started by your healthcare provider. This could happen if:


  1. You are past your due date. Click here to know signs of labor.
  2. You have medical complications like high BP, preeclampsia, infection, or diabetes.
  3. Your water broke, but labor did not start.
  4. You have low levels of amniotic fluid.

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