Week 34

Baby is the size of a Muskmelon now and weighs nearly 2.4 kg!


  • Babies born during this week are, premature. They have a higher chance of thriving if they have no other anomalies.
  •  Preterm babies are those that are born less than 37 weeks of gestation.
  • Late preterm is when born between 34 and 36 weeks early preterm is when born between 28 and 34 weeks extremely Early preterm is when born less than 28 weeks.   
  • The amniotic fluid may decrease in quantity every week. This is completely normal. The fluid becomes very less in the last term. Your Ob-gyn measures the levels via ultrasonography to determine if it is the right amount or not.


  • The cochlea in the ear starts to attain function and begins to send sound impulses to the brain. Because of this, voice recognition is also attained by the baby.

TME Tips: Talk and interact with your baby as much and as often as you can! Your baby may recognize voices and songs post birth too. Encourage your partner to do the same. 

  • The baby starts to assume a chubby appearance due to baby fat deposition. A special type of fat called brown fat helps in thermoregulation. It keeps the baby warm and prevents increased loss of heat.

  • Lungs continue to produce surfactant. It is a molecule that helps the baby breathe effectively without the lungs collapsing. The first breath a baby takes after birth is while crying. The presence of this surfactant keeps the lung airways open and prevents collapse.

Fetus at 34 weeks


  • Constipation and piles/hemorrhoids are noticed this week. This is due to the increased size of the uterus pressing on the rectum. 

TME Tips: A good diet and ample water are your ultimate saviors! Never skip your recommended water intake. Make sure you eat foods rich in fiber like oats and veggies to help with constipation and piles. If the blood loss is excess, consult your Ob-gyn immediately. 

  • Feet may also show increased swelling. 

TME Tips: Try to wear comfortable footwear and keep your feet above heart level. Lying down with feet at a higher plane also helps. However, sudden swelling of the feet & face accompanied by a bad headache and blurry vision indicates pre-eclampsia. Immediately contact your midwife/ Ob-gyn when you notice them.

  • Anxiety and depression may take a toll on your overall health. Hence, you should focus on yoga and meditation throughout pregnancy.

TME Tips: Talk to your partner about your feelings and do not carry the load alone. Consult a mental health expert like a psychologist or a counselor if you think you need some guidance. You are not alone, mama! Remember that your mental health status determines the health status of your little one.

  • Most mommies notice relief from the breathlessness they were experiencing earlier as the baby now shifts to the lower part of the uterus.

  • Check with your doctor about any placental abnormalities which may affect normal delivery.


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