Week 33

Baby is the size of a Pineapple now and weighs nearly 2.15 kg!


  • The wrinkles on your baby’s face are smoothening out, and the baby is gaining weight faster.


  • The pupils react to light and change size by this week. The baby recognizes red first, as it is the color inside the womb.

  •  Baby’s bones are hardening while the skull is still soft and flexible. Gaps/ fontanelles in the skull helps to slide over each other and facilitate normal delivery.

Fetus at 33 weeks


  • Continued kicks and Braxton Hicks contractions are noticed. Some mothers might experience certain numbness in their hands and feet due to Carpal Tunnel syndrome.

TME Glossary: Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a condition that arises due to swelling around the wrist region. The reason is pregnancy hormones. This swelling exerts pressure on the main nerve of the wrist and can cause pain and numbness. CTS can be a warning sign of pre-eclampsia, hence keep a watch-out for other signs of raised BP. To relieve CTS, one can use cold compresses and wrist splints. Certain pain relievers that are compliant with pregnancy can also be used.

TME Tips: You know what else is helpful for all of these? Staying active by doing regular exercises, if permitted by your ob-gyn. Pregnancy is the time you need to prepare for postpartum as well, and exercises will help you with both.

  • Some vaginal discharge is also common for a few mothers. Heartburn, aches, and pains continue.

  • Altered sleep patterns and insomnia/reduced sleep is also noticed by most pregnant mothers.

  • Some mothers experience painful vaginal or pelvic electric-bolt twinges, called lightning crotch pain during pregnancy.


Braxton Hicks Contractions happen when the uterus tightens for a few seconds and then relaxes. These are false contractions/practice contractions, and you need not be worried. They are usually not regular. They also do not increase in frequency, as opposed to real contractions. When experiencing them, relax, sip water, and lie down for a bit. 

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