Week 31

Baby is the size of coconut now and weighs nearly 1.7kg


  • The baby is rapidly putting on weight and the majority of the development is done but the road to complete development is far and is yet to be completed.
  • The movements are also quite active as the baby kicks and nudges. The sleep-wake pattern is also getting regular and when asleep, the movements are reduced. 


  • The classic fetal position, where the body curls up like a cute ball, is attained. This is because the baby has grown big and there is less space for the uterus to accommodate the full length.

  • Your baby is practicing sucking and swallowing mama! This is because the first thing after birth is to latch the breasts and drink lots of milk.

Fetus at 31 weeks


  • Increased Braxton Hicks contractions, feet swelling and back ache continue.

TME Tips: Prenatal exercises help ease the aches and pains and Yoga keeps your mind and body at ease.

  • Breast tenderness and slight discharge may be seen as your breasts continue to prepare for lactation after birth.

TME Tips: Wearing a comfortable supporting brassiere helps with breast tenderness. Slight leak from your breasts is a sign of your body prepping for your little bundle of joy. There is nothing to be worried about.


Want to know about Premature/preterm birth?

  • When the baby is born less than 32 weeks of gestation, it is called preterm birth. It puts not only the baby but also the mother’s life at risk. Back-to-back deliveries with no spacing between children, chronic diseases in mothers, diabetes, hypertension, and a family history of preterm babies are a few common causes for the same. 

  • When preterm delivery is imminent, doctors give steroid injections to help the baby’s lung to mature. After delivery, the babies are also kept in a specialized care area called NICU/ Neonatal Intensive Care Units. The body temperature is maintained and a safe sterile environment is kept for preventing babies from harboring infections. Their feeding, breathing, and gaining weight is also taken care of by the NICU.

  • Regular doctor visits, consuming a balanced diet and not indulging in too much stress helps in avoiding preterm birth.a

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