Week 29

  • Baby is the size of a Sweet Pumpkin now and weighs nearly 1.32kg!
  • Amniotic fluid around the baby is increasing every week. This increase in amniotic fluid occurs till around 36 weeks, thereafter, the fluid decreases as the baby grows till term.


  • The baby’s brain at this point begins to form sulci and gyri (various grooves and folds) within which more nerve cells can accommodate. The brain increases not only in surface area but also in weight

Fun fact: More grooves and folds = more intelligent babies!

Check out the following things  you can do during pregnancy to increase baby’s neuron connections


Fetus at 29 weeks

  • This week onwards the kicks are getting harder and twitches may be felt sometimes, which correspond to baby hiccups. While that may mean discomfort at times, cherish these beautiful moments, because it’s your baby’s way of communicating its presence in your womb.

  • Bloating and feeling gassy is common this week. *burp*

TME Tips:Drink plenty of water and get yourself moving around. Avoid gas forming culprits like cabbage, broccoli, potatoes and wheat. Instead try bananas and whole grain oats for fibre.

  • Take good care of your diet mommy, as blood pressure can shoot up owing to increased Calcium demands of the baby leading to reduced calcium for you. Hence, consult your Ob-gyn and take proper supplements. 

  • Increase in calcium demands of your baby, leads to reduced calcium for you. Also note, blood pressure can shoot up in some moms- to- be when their calcium levels are low. Thus take proper diet and supplements.

  • Foot swelling is also a very common issue in these last weeks.

TME Tips:Try to wear comfortable footwear and keep your feet above heart level. Lying down with feet at a higher plane also helps. However, sudden swelling of the feet, face accompanied with a bad headache and blurry vision indicates increased blood pressure or pre-eclampsia. Immediately contact your midwife/ Obgyn when you notice them.


  • Fetal movement count

Start by noting the time you feel the first fetal movement. Note down, every time you feel a movement, until you reach 10 counts. Doing this regularly will help you note a pattern. There is no set number of movements one must feel each day, but note any gross deviation from the normal counts.


  • Lightening crotch

They are super painful vaginal or pelvic electric-bolt twinges that some moms experience during pregnancy. It is not dangerous, nor is it a sign that there is a problem. The pain from lightening crotch should last just a few seconds. In order to relieve yourself of the pain, change your position from standing to sitting or vice versa.

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