Things to know before getting ready for an Indian Baby Shower

Getting ready for Godh bharai? Looking for some cues to have a wonderful time for the family to come together and celebrate your pregnancy and the arrival of your little one? TME brings you a few tips to help you enjoy your special day.

When To Have A Baby Shower?

Traditionally, Choosing a date for a baby shower depends on community norms. But ideally, celebrating after the seventh month is appropriate. By this time in the second trimester, the pregnancy symptoms are more or less settled and the risk of premature delivery is minimal.

How To Choose A Venue?

Arrange a venue that is convenient for you and aligns with your budget. Renting a restaurant, bouquet hall, or auditorium depends on the number of invitees and budget. If you wish to keep it low-key, plan a small family party in the backyard of your house, rooftop, garden, local park, or any outdoor location that’s favorable.

What Are The Simple Ways To Decorate The Venue?

Explore your creative liberty, handpick your favorite colors

Thematic decorations are in trend which dictates the style, pattern, and color mixing of the room, furniture, invitations, linen, cutlery, and even the food menu. 


Keeping the color theme consistent looks wonderful in pictures if you have plans for a maternity photoshoot along with a baby shower. The color mixes need not be always blue or pink, you can explore your creative liberation here with some bold colors representing abundance or subtle base pastel soothing colors to resonate peace and tranquility. 


If you are on a restricted budget, then simple DIY decorations with homemade ribbons, chart papers, and handicrafts will come in handy. 

What Are The TME Recommended Gifts?

The best gifts come from the heart, not the store.

  1. Book an appointment for a maternity photoshoot
  2. Enrollment in TME workshops on newborn care, and breastfeeding basics 
  3. An appointment for a spa parlor or saloon or a massage therapist
  4. Home-baked cookies 
  5. Must-read books recommended by TME – curated book list by TME 
  6. Mom care kit – mom care kits by TME 

How To Organize Entertainment At The Event?

Can there be an excuse for a celebration to happen without fun? Nothing at all! Spending some time with loved ones, having fun as a family, sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying all the attention you receive is an emotional boost before your big day.


  1. Plan for some games and fun interactive activities for the guests, like board games, antakshari, and baby name guesses. 
  2. Have your favorite songs played or hire a DJ if you like to add more music and vibrancy to the event
  3. Do click pictures for your soul’s content as these will be the most cherished memories of a lifetime. 
  4. Remember, it is your day! Enjoy the way you want it to be. Add more fun and customize the events to the extent of your comfort level. 
  5. Get adequate rest before and after the event. Don’t over-exert. keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

Home-Cooked Food Or Potluck Or Hire A Catering Service? How To Decide?

Every happy event begins and ends with a plate full of soulful food.

Every aspect of food depends on your personal preferences, budget, and the guests attending the event. 


  1. Eat wisely during the party. Restrain your temptations from stuffing all the food displayed before you.
  2. Keep yourselves hydrated. 
  3. Try eating small quantities of the food you like. Remember, your happiness does matter the most, and avoiding your favorite food altogether will not help.

How To Dress Up For The Event?

There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman with a smile on her lips

Don’t stress too much about what to wear or getting perfect looks in pictures. Carry yourself confidently. Choose an attire that best suits your personality and keep it simple and true to yourself.


  1. Take your comfort, health, ease, and weather into consideration before dressing up for the day
  2. Add lightweight accessories and flats to compliment your apparel.
  3. If a religious puja ritual demands wearing traditional wear with heavy accessories, it’s better to slip into more comfortable lightweight wear for the rest of the events, after completing the ritual. 

Baby showers are wonderful occasions for family and friends to come together to celebrate your pregnancy and be a part of your little one’s welcoming ceremony. It’s your day, live it to the fullest. Your comfort, health, and happiness are the only things worth the day.  Remember, Every little life in the womb deserves only a happy mother!


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