Sex During Pregnancy

Causes Of Multiple Pregnancies

Sex during pregnancy is quite liberating and safe with a few added benefits for your partner and you. And guess what?? No need of Birth Control!

It is quite often kept under wraps, not spoken about or considered a taboo in most cultures. The various misconceptions fed by the older generations also add to the less knowledge possessed by women about this topic.

On the quest to educate our fellow sisters, here is TME shushing the hush around this topic and providing the right information that you deserve to be aware of. 


In This Article –

Is sex during pregnancy safe for the baby or does it triggers labour?

Sex during pregnancy is SAFE during all stages of normal pregnancy. Normal pregnancy is a low-risk pregnancy with no complications of miscarriages and preterm-labours.

Which trimester is ideal for safe Sex?

During the first trimester, intense nausea and morning sickness cloud every ounce of your interest in any activity and sex is the last thing on your mind. However, sex drive returns to full force by second trimester and can be practiced during that time.


However, some women might also find sex during this period uncomfortable as their bodies get larger. Hence, different sexual positions can be tried to overcome this issue.

Is sex harmful to the baby?

No, the baby is well encased within the amniotic sac and the uterine muscles hold it together. There is no contact of the penis with the foetus during sex.

Can sexual orgasms lead to contractions and/ or miscarriage?

In safe pregnancies, with low to no risk, sex cannot precipitate contractions. The orgasmic contractions are different from labour.

Are there any Sexual positions for that are best during pregnancy?

Most sexual positions are good except missionary, as the growing belly requires space and missionary position can get in the way. Side-by-side, woman on top, modified missionary (with a pillow beneath for support and partner supporting them and not bearing their weight on the tummy), edge of a bed or chair support sex position are quite ideal.


Oral sex and anal sex can also be enjoyed, but with prior precautions and better avoided in conditions of haemorrhoids, placental previa.

When it is not advised to have sex during pregnancy?

In all cases of risky pregnancies which the Health care provider has previously warned, sex is avoided. These conditions include Placenta previa, premature labour, Herpes, Cervical insufficiency, ruptured membranes, abnormal vaginal discharge/ bleeding, etc.

Is it necessary to use condoms?

Sexually transmitted infection has a direct bearing on the foetus. Thus, it is always advised to wear condoms and take prior precautions before having sex.

What if I do not feel like having sex?

Pregnancy comes with a baggage of changing moods and it is emotionally a roller-coaster ride. The play of hormones during pregnancy is no joke and hence, disinterest in having sex is more than normal. Cuddling with your partner, kissing, gentle hugs and massage also adds for a perfect bonding time without actually having to go down the town.


In any case, communication is the key. Keep the forum of exchanging each other’s thoughts open and let your partner know about your concerns. Try and come to a common consensus by joint discussions with each other as well as your health care provider. And always remember that intimacy is always more than sex which improves the mental health of a pregnant mother.


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