Preparing to Breastfeed Before the Birth of Baby

Breast milk is Nature’s gift for all babies. Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for all new moms but sometimes it doesn’t always begin smoothly for both baby and mother. With little knowledge and effort, the mother can give her baby the foremost gift that he/she receives ever in their life. This journey of give and take is what strengthens the emotional bonding between mothers with her baby. Hence, every pregnant woman needs to understand the importance of breast milk and learn how to handle the uncertainties positively.


In This Article –

How Does The Body Prepare For Breastfeeding?

It is very important to know that the body starts preparing for breastfeeding even from the early stage of pregnancy. Tingling nipples, increase in breast size, are the most common signs of a body’s preparation for breastfeeding. Pregnancy brings a lot of hormonal changes to the breasts. The blood supply to your breasts increases, milk ducts, and milk-producing cells show gradual development with each stage of pregnancy.

How Does The Body Prepare For Breastfeeding?

Breast milk is a boon for new born. Breast milk will change over time and each stage of milk is customised to meet the baby’s needs precisely.


Colostrum: – The very first yellow substance produced after delivery is called Colostrum. Colostrum provides all nutrients and antibodies that protect the new born from all kinds of infections during the initial days. 


Transitional milk: – Transitional milk comes after 3 to 5 days of birth. It has a very thin consistency. During the transitional breast milk phase, the mother experience a few changes like breast enlargement, heavy swollen and painful breasts


Mature milk: – Generally mature milk is produced after 10-15 days of baby’s birth. Mature milk contains compositions that protect the baby against bacterial and viral infections.


Foremilk is the thin milk secreted at the start of each feeding session. As the mother continues to nurse the baby, the milk gradually becomes fattier and thick. This is called Hindmilk.

Preparations Prior To Baby Birth

It is always better to prepare oneself for breastfeeding before the baby is born.  Here are few ideas to help the mother prepare for breast feeding.

1 - Attend Antenatal classes

Join antenatal classes. Antenatal class helps to prepare ahead of motherhood journey and also educates the mother about the right position and guidelines for breastfeeding. Similarly the safe hygienic practices that need to followed and handling any uncertainties are addressed in these classes.

2 - Take advice from other moms

Advises and suggestions from elder women in family is very important for new mothers. Experience is the best teacher.reevaluating age old practices will enlighten youmg mothers and helps them engage in breastfeeding more confidently.

3 - Talk to doctor

Professional advice is always the best. Discussing with a doctor to clear out all concerns regarding safe breast feeding practices is very important.

4 - Self study

There is a lot of authentic information in the form of articles, books, guides, you tube videos. Try to invest time in understand which suits the best and plan ahead. Make customised plans and always be careful not to fall for the misleading superstition beliefs.

5 - Have a Breast Examination

Talk to the doctor about breast examination to make sure they are medically and physically healthy for breastfeeding.

6 - Create a comfortable place for breastfeeding

Create a comfortable space at home to nurse the baby. Arrange some pillows and quilt to make that place comfortable and warm for the new born.

7 - Stock up on items needed for breastfeeding

Things needed for breastfeeding should be planned and prepared ahead to make the feeding session more comfortable.


(a) Nursing Pillows:- Nursing pillows or boppy pillows are designed to give support to the baby while breastfeeding. During Breastfeeding, this pillow keeps the baby at breast height so that they can latch easily.


(b) Nursing Bras:- Nursing bras provide additional support for milk-filled breasts. This allows the mother to breastfeed without the need to take the shirt off.


(c) Nipple cream:- Nipple creams  protects the mother from the itchy, dry, and cracked nipples that are caused by breastfeeding.


(d) Breast Pads:- Breast pads help to absorb any milk that may leak from breasts. Many types of breast pads are available including disposable and reusable pads.


(e)Breast pump: If the baby faces any difficulty to latch directly from the mother, then a breast pump can be very helpful. This may be manual or electronic.

8 - Make a feeding plan

While making a postpartum plan, make sure to include a feeding plan as well. This helps the mother to stay organized during breastfeeding.

9 - Get the help of a lactation consultant

Getting the help of a lactation consultant is neccessary in case of anxious young mothers.


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