Maternity Benefits Schemes in India

The Government of India and various state governments have come up with maternity beneficiary schemes to provide allowances to pregnant women and lactating mothers in India. Every state has formulated their own set of schemes and benefits for their residents. In this article, only the central government schemes which are applicable to pregnant women and new borns throughout the country will be discussed.


In This Article –

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana

Pregnant women and lactating mothers receive Rs. 5000 /- as cash incentive in three installments at different stages of pregnancy in this central government run maternity scheme. All pregnant women irrespective of their economic background are eligible to receive this aid excluding those who are regular employees in government or private sectors availing any other maternity beneficiary aids.


  1. How to apply

Pregnant woman should apply for PMMVY scheme within 150 days from the last date of menstruation . Eligible women who wish to avail maternity benefits under this scheme need to register at the nearest Anganwadi centre or at any approved government health facility. Also, By using this link,, you can directly submit the relevant documents and register online.

First installment

By submitting the relevant documents at an Anganwadi center, the beneficiary will receive the first installment amount of Rs.1000/- . The required documents are as follows:

 1. Duly filled form A -Available from Anganwadi center for free of cost or downloaded from    

            2. Copy of MCP card ( mother and child protection card)

            3. Copy of any identity proof (Aadhar card)

            4. Copy of bank/ post office account passbook

            5. A consent duly signed by the applicant

 You must obtain an acknowledgment of registration from the impending authority for future references.


Second installment

You can claim the second installment of cash incentive of Rs.2000/- after six months of pregnancy by submitting the following documents.

  1. Duly signed form 1B Available rom Anganwadi center for free of cost or downloaded from     
  2. Copy of acknowledgment slip from form 1A
  3. Copy of MCP card

Third installment

You can claim the Third installment incentive of Rs.2000/- after baby birth. The newborn should be vaccinated for OPV, DPT, BCG and hepatitis B before claiming the third incentive.

  1. Duly filled up form 1C. – Available from Anganwadi center for free of cost or downloaded from
  2. A copy of ID proof, MCP card
  3. Copy of child birth registration and vaccination records
  4. A copy of acknowledgment slip from 1A and 1B

PMMVY helpline: 01123382393

Janani Sureksha Yojana

Janani sureksha yojana launched in 2005 is a safe motherhood intervention scheme under the national rural health mission.  Scheme implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal undernourishment and other health complications among women in rural household. JSY scheme promotes institutional delivery (delivering the baby in hospital)


To overcome this, government provides cash assistance of Rs.1400/- in rural and Rs.1000/- in urban areas for those women who chose to deliver the baby in government or accredited private health care centers.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram

JSSK Scheme ensure every pregnant women delivering in public health care facilities receives all treatment free of cost. The government takes care of all delivery related expenses under this scheme.


1. Free treatment including c- section,

2. Free diagnostics (blood, urine, routine checkups, sonography)

3. Free transport (to and fro from hospital to residence)

4, Food for the mother for three/seven days of stay in hospital)

5.  Free medicines.

6. This scheme takes care of sick newborn for 30 days including medicines and hospital stay.

7. Cash assistance for women with lower income card.

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

PMSMA Scheme was launched to provide a fixed day comprehensive and quality antenatal care for all pregnant women in their second and third trimesters. The health camp will be held at government health care facilities on the ninth of every month.


  1. This one day per month medical assistance is free of cost.
  2. Routine lab analyses like USG, Hemoglobin, Urine albumin; Blood CBC, etc. are carried out.
  3. Free nutrient supplements, calcium, iron and folic acid are handed out to women.
  4. High risk pregnancies are identified and follow up are carried out with labeling different colored stickers on MCP (mother and child protection card). Red sticker on the card indicates a case of high risk pregnancy, Green card as a normal pregnancy, Blue sticker as pregnancy induced hypertension and yellow card as the pregnancy with comorbidities, thyroid etc.
  5. Group counseling is provided for the women regarding diet, rest, birth preparation, identifying the danger signs, family planning

Other State Sponsored / Central Government Schemes For Pregnant Women

  1. Mathrushree scheme from Karnataka government provides cash allowance of six thousand for women from economically weaker sections, directly in to the bank accounts linked to aadhar card in three installments.
  2. Dr. Muthulakshmi maternity schemes from government of Tamilnadu provide a cash assistance of eighteen thousand to economically lower sections of women in five installments
  3. KCR KIT kit and amma odi scheme from government of Andhra pradesh provides rupee twelve thousand for boys and rupees thirteen thousand for girls as incentive for women with low income card.
  4. MAMTA is a new entitlement from the government of Orissa. A conditional cash transfer of rupee five thousand is provided for eligible beneficiaries upon submission of relevant documents
  5. IAP-Immunize India program is a vaccination remainder service and is available free of cost to parents who register in the scheme. It is a national nonprofit initiative under the aegis of Indian academy of pediatricians intended to create an awareness about the importance of vaccinations in children under the age of twelve. To receive this service Type : IAP (space ) baby’s name (space) baby date of birth and send sms to 566778
  6. A maternity paid leave for 12 weeks in private sector and 26 weeks in government sector jobs is applicable for all pregnant woman. This may be differ based on the labor bylaws of the employer.
  7. It’s legally an offense to remove a woman from her job on reason of her pregnancy as per maternal benefit act, 1961 of Indian government.

Health inequalities, social hierarchies, malnutrition, lack of awareness have crippled a vast majority of Indian woman,.

Government has formulated various beneficiary schemes to help create awareness among women and encourage them to choose institutional delivery (hospital birth) over home birth.


ASHA workers and other employees in Anganwadi or public health care center play a highly appreciable role and act as the intermediates between the government and pregnant women in locality. This deep rooted powerful support group of women in India reach out to each and every doorstep looking for pregnant women in need.


These ASHA workers follow up on diet, vaccine routines, help pregnant woman reach out to government schemes and educate about breastfeeding, family planning, healthy pregnancy management etc.


Lets share about these schemes with deserving woman, support and encourage each other and take one step closer to achieving new horizons of healthy woman and children in our country.


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