Lightning Crotch

Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

Most mothers experience a painful jolt-like sensation lasting for a few seconds during their 3rd trimester. This sensation is known as a lightening crotch. It starts from the groin to the thigh. They are neither dangerous nor a sign of an underlying problem.

Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

What causes lightning Crotch pain?

The most common reason for this pain is your little one kicking on a nerve supplying the cervix. The other reason could be your baby’s head engaging into the lower uterus of your pelvis. Thus, it could mean that you are nearing your D- day. Some women experience it weeks before the estimated date of delivery. Hence, lightning may not always be a sign of labor.

How is lightning crotch pain different from other pains felt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy comes with a lot of aches and pains. It is important to know which pains are normal and which are not. Is lightning crotch pain normal or not? Keep reading and we will tell you! 


  • Round ligament pain radiates out toward the hip bone. It is felt around the 2nd trimester due to the growing uterus. In comparison, lightning pain is usually experienced in the 3rd trimester and radiates toward the thigh.
  • Sciatica is another complaint of mothers. It consists of numbing pain starting from the back/ buttocks to the legs. Causes include nerve compressing the growing uterus, weight gain, and fluid retention. It may seem very similar to lightning crotch pain, but the reason is entirely different. Many mothers confuse the lightening crotch pain with labor pain.

Knowing how to differentiate these pains from others is important

How to get relief from lightning crotch pain?

You don’t need to go to a doctor for normal lightening crotch pain. With just some simple remedies, you can easily manage it at home.

  • If the pain is due to the baby putting pressure on a nerve, changing your position usually helps. Change your position from standing to sitting or vice versa.
  • You can also try a warm shower to ease the pain and stress. Other pains associated with pregnancy, like round ligament pain, also get relieved with a warm shower.
  • Wearing a belt or an abdominal support band also helps lighten the load on the pelvis, helping with the pain.
  • Do not forget to attend your antenatal yoga classes, mama! Yoga helps with these aches and pains


Minor aches and pains are a part of pregnancy. lightning pain is something that most expecting moms experience during the last part of pregnancy. It is not dangerous and does not require a doctor’s intervention in most cases. And the good news is that this pain lasts for a few seconds at the most. Sometimes it may occur concurrently with labor, hence, watch out for other signs of labor. 


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