
Hypnobirthing aims to help a woman deal with any fear related to childbirth. This technique uses a combination of music, visualization, positive thinking, and words to relax the body and mind to control negative thoughts during labor. 


In This Article –

What is Hypnobirthing?

Getting physically, mentally emotionally fit for childbirth

  • Hypnobirthing is a childbirth technique that uses self-hypnosis techniques and promotes deep breathing, relaxation, visualization, and affirmations/ hypnosis scripts to shorten labor and reduce painful contractions.
  • This technique replaces fear, anxiety, and the negative environment of labor in a pregnant woman with a confident, comfortable and relaxed birth experience.
  • Simple therapeutic techniques prepare a woman physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit for childbirth.

Hypnobirthing Techniques

  • It uses positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualizations to relax the mother’s body and incorporate positive thoughts along with balanced breathing control. It can be achieved either by self-hypnosis or with assistance from a certified hypnotherapist. 

  • Common words used in pregnancy and labor are meticulously replaced to ensure a fear-free and comfortable childbirth. For example, the word contraction is replaced by the word ‘surge’ and dilatation by ‘blossoming’. The visualization of a blooming flower or flower opening petals is used to achieve relaxation.

  • Similarly controlled breathing is another technique to lower stress hormones. A simple method is to breathe through the nose, hold it for a few seconds and release it slowly through the mouth. Slow and steady breathing concentrated solely on the intake and outlet of air relaxes the body and prepares it for a pleasant childbirth experience.

  • Guided meditations with the help of soothing music and aromatherapy further relax the pregnant woman. It takes a state of daydreaming where the mind is filled with the things a pregnant mother loves. By controlling pain and stress hormones, the body may let go and submit fully to the baby’s delivery

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • The hypnobirthing classes also provide information on topics such as nutrition during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth.

  • It may not completely make the process pain-free or restricts the use of epidural, but makes sure that the labor and childbirth process is comfortable and filled with positivity.

  • These techniques can also be used when medical intervention is mandatory and the woman can make full use of the breathing and focus techniques.

  • Even under medical supervision, the mother manages to maintain a calm and serene mental state which also helps in shortening the time of initial labor.

  • As there are no medications involved, the chance of anything harming the baby is not a concern.

  • Helps the woman to actively participate in childbirth and also has a better postpartum experience and the chances of postpartum depression and PTSD is less likely to occur.

All the points mentioned above need not hold good for every woman and hypnobirthing women may also undergo a C-section based on the complications. Thus, educating oneself about such topics beforehand and having a talk with the Ob-gyn helps the couple decide whether or not to opt for hypnobirthing.



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