Home Remedies for Illness in Pregnant Woman

Pregnant and down with a flu? Are Backache and headache taking a toll on your pregnancy? Down with cold and cough while pregnant and want to know how to get rid of it? Here are some homemade remedies that one could try to get rid of the illness safely at home without taking medications. 


In This Article –

It is always advised that any illness or disease need to be reported to the Ob-gyn prior to using any medications. As the ingredient may affect the baby and always remember that it is not just about curing the illness but also preventing the baby from contracting it, without affecting the growth and development.


  • In the early stages of pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, pregnant woman experiences moderate to severe headaches. Headaches during later stage of pregnancy may also indicate high blood pressure and need immediate intervention by the Ob-gyn.
  • It is always helpful to maintain a chart or diary on what triggers these headaches during pregnancy. Some women develop headaches due to stress; some develop it when not taken food adequately and others due to weather changes. Thus, identifying these triggers help solve the problem.
  • Nibbling onto snacks whenever hungry like fruits or nuts; reducing caffeine and replacing them with fruit teas and caffeine free herbal teas( ajwain chai, tulsi chai etc); staying hydrated always and sipping onto coconut water, sweet lemon juice and buttermilk(chaas, lassi) to quench thirst during summers and warming soups and teas during winters also help in combating weather changes.
  • Cutting down on stress and practicing regular yoga including breathing exercises also have a drastic change on curing headaches. Using cold/warm compresses on the area of headache, head massage and cold shower and aromatherapy also eases the headache to great extent and helps in elevating the mood.


Backache is a common complaint among pregnant women experience. The most effective way to cure it is by changing the posture while sitting and sleeping. Working women who have sedentary jobs and sit for long hours should try to take frequent breaks and walk for few minutes before resuming work. Those who stand for long hours should also take breaks in between and sit for some time. 


Wearing a supporting maternity bra with wide straps and larger cups also reduce the strain on the shoulders and ribs and hence ease back ache. Propping up pillows while sleeping and sitting supporting the back also helps in easing backache. Exercising regularly during pregnancy and doing yoga also helps in relieving backache.


  • Fever which is accompanied by other symptoms like rashes or any salmon-coloured spot needs to be immediately reported to the Ob-gyn
  • Slight raise in body temperature can be cured by adequate rest and plenty of fluid consumption. Not all drugs are safe during pregnancy; hence home remedies are mostly advised in pregnant women. Paracetamol is the most commonly prescribed drug for fever as it is safe during pregnancy.
  • Warm soups provide relief from fever; warm herbal teas with tulsi or ginger can also be taken. Mustard oil and garlic that are usually used in everyday cooking are effective in reducing fever. Lemon and honey are also quite effective in alleviating the agent causing fever and improving immunity.

Cough and Cold during Pregnancy

Having cold and cough at any time of the pregnancy, when not accompanied by any red flag signs, is usually normal and may not require professional intervention. Having a running nose or a stuffy nose with cough is quite a nuisance to the mother, but seems to not cause any damage to the growing baby.


Home remedies like steam inhalation, salt water nasal spray and vapour rubs can also provide relief from stuffy and running nose. Lozenges and cough syrups are quite helpful, but require the Ob-gyn to prescribe it as not all drugs are safe. An infusion of ginger, honey and lemon mixed in water acts as an excellent relief provider against cough and irritated throat. Herbal tea’s containing ginger and tulasi also helps in providing relief from cough.

Seasonal Flu

Drinking plenty of fluids along with adequate rest brings down the body temperature. Consume Herbal teas with ginger and tulsi, lemon-honey-ginger concoction and having balanced and wholesome foods rich in vitamin c. Warm broths and rasams also provide warmth and relief from sore throat that accompanies flu. Turmeric milk is also a miraculous concoction that gets rid of the offending agent and helps to cure the flu. Salt water gargling and steam inhalation also relieves sore throat and runny nose.

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