Commom Pregnancy Concerns – The Mom Experts Fri, 26 Jan 2024 05:06:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Commom Pregnancy Concerns – The Mom Experts 32 32 Low Amniotic Fluid ( Oligohydramnios ) – What to expect? Mon, 20 Feb 2023 17:20:28 +0000 Low Amniotic Fluid ( Oligohydramnios ) – What to expect?  Read More »


In This Article

What is amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is a warm, thin, pale yellow fluid that surrounds the fetus. It is highly significant for the fetus’s safe development and adequate growth during pregnancy. It is a blend of hormones, immune system cells, nutrients, and secretions from the fetus. An optimum amount of fluid should be present in the amniotic sac. Too low or too high quantities of amniotic fluid are considered adverse for the baby’s growth and development.   

What’s its significance in fetal well-being?

Amniotic fluid is important  in maintaining optimum  conditions for the development and survival of the fetus in the womb. This fluid fills the amniotic sac as early as 12 days after conception.


  1. Amniotic fluid cushions the baby and allows free floating of the umbilical cord.
  2. Prevents the baby’s body from compressing the umbilical cord against the uterine wall. 
  3. Amniotic fluid quantity signals how well the fetal urinary system is working since the fetus excretes urine directly into the fluid. 
  4. It helps in lung development, maturation of the digestive system, and the sufficient growth of muscles and bones in the fetus.
  5. Amniotic fluid covering maintains a stable fetal temperature stable. 
  6. It protects against infection. 
  7. This protective covering also keeps the baby safe from influences outside the womb. 

How is the amniotic fluid index measured?

The amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) is a standardized indicator to assess the amount of amniotic fluid in a pregnant woman’s womb.


  1. The ultrasound scans determine the level of Fluid in the amniotic sac. 
  2.  The quantity of fluid varies with gestational age and from woman to woman. At 20 weeks  350 ml of fluid (approx) is standard. Around 25 weeks it is 670 ml of fluid, t at 32 – 36 weeks 800 – 1000 ml, and at 40 weeks, 550- 600 ml is considered normal. 
  3. Other two methods to estimate the fluid levels are AFI (Amniotic fluid index) calculation and MVP (Maximum vertical point) calculation techniques. An average reading as per AFI should be 8- 24 cm. Less than 8 cm of AFI is considered low. The average reading as per MVP should be 2 – 8 cm. Less than 2 cm of MVP is considered low.

What is oligohydramnios?


Oligohydramnios is a condition where the amniotic fluid is less than expected for the baby’s gestational age.


  1. This low fluid condition is diagnosed by ultrasound scans, probably around 18 – 20 weeks of gestation. 
  2. Oligo means little, and hydra means water. Amnios is the membrane around the fetus or amniotic sac
  3. Amniotic fluid in the womb increases as pregnancy progresses until around 34- 36 weeks. After that, it starts to decline as pregnancy reaches its full term. However, an ultrasound scan reading with AFI less than 8 cm and MVP less than 2 cm is considered a low amniotic fluid condition. 

What are the common symptoms of oligohydramnios?

Oligohydramnios present little or no symptoms in many women. However, the cues on fluid level inadequacy are picked up by the scheduled prenatal ultrasound scan readings.


  1. The uterus measures smaller than anticipated for the baby’s gestational age.
  2. Poor maternal weight gain.
  3. Abnormal fetal heart rate
  4. Reduced fetal activity and growth.
  5. Frequent fluid leakage from the vagina.

Be aware of the type of vaginal leakage. Vaginal fluid flow could be the leaking of amniotic fluid, urine, or an increased vaginal discharge. Usually, amniotic fluid leakage is a large gush of clear, warm watery fluid from the vagina without any odor, with small tinges of blood. Whereas, an increased vaginal discharge is normally a thick white or yellow sticky-smelling fluid. If not sure, refrain from self-diagnosis. Seek medical intervention.

What are the causes of oligohydramnios?

The main causes of oligohydramnios can be both fetal and maternal. 

Maternal factors

  1. Dehydration in the mother.
  2. Placental abnormalities, where the membranes rupture much earlier before the onset of the actual labor
  3. Health conditions of mothers like preeclampsia, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Fetal factors

  1. Urinary tract or kidney-related birth defects in the baby
  2. Post-term baby that is above 40 weeks of gestational age. 
  3. Chromosomal abnormalities.

How does it affect a healthy pregnancy?

Potential Risk associated with oligohydramnios depends on the gestational age of the pregnancy. A low amniotic condition when diagnosed early in pregnancy will have more ill effects.


  1. When diagnosed as early as the second trimester, there is a risk of developing birth defects, miscarriage, or even stillbirth of the fetus. 
  2. Oligohydramnios can lead to labor complications as there isn’t enough fluid for the mobility of the fetus which in turn could lead to constriction of the umbilical cord during birth.
  3. The risk of preterm labor is much higher.
  4. Lack of sufficient amniotic fluid causes labor contraction to be more painful, breathing difficulties, and distress in the baby at the time of birth.
  5. Higher chances of intrauterine growth restrictions in the fetus. 
  6. Improper lung development called pulmonary hypoplasia is another ill effect on the fetus.
  7. Due to less fluid to move around, the fetus will have restricted mobility that may develop tightness in the joints which affects the development of bones and muscles. 

How to handle a low amniotic fluid condition?

Ultrasound scan to diagnose oligohydramnios

Oligohydramnios need no medical treatment when diagnosed at the end of a full-term pregnancy.


  1. More prenatal check-ups and close monitoring of the amniotic fluid levels will be sufficient to have a safe childbirth. 
  2. Eating healthy, hydrated, and adequate rest is very important. 
  3. Always watch out for any signs of infection like foul-smelling vaginal discharge, pain, or discomfort in the pelvic area.
  4. Keeping a check on comorbidities like hypertension, and diabetes is necessary.
  5. A planned C Section becomes mandatory along with amnioinfusion. It is a transfusion of saline water into the uterine cavity using a catheter placed in the cervix to replace the low levels of amniotic fluid. 
  6. Check with the gynecologist to know about additional screening procedures like high-resolution fetal ultrasonography, fetal echocardiogram, and a doppler ultrasound to diagnose the fetal heartbeat, and kidney functions and to evaluate the placental functioning. 

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Placental Abnormalities – How does it affect a Healthy Pregnancy Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:08:10 +0000 Placental Abnormalities – How does it affect a Healthy Pregnancy Read More »


In This Article –

What is the importance of the placenta?

A healthy placenta is vital for fetal development and uncomplicated childbirth. Under normal circumstances, a healthy, well-defined placenta attaches to the upper segment of the uterine lining, without obstructing the cervical opening, thus formulating an easy pathway for childbirth. 


However, specific placental abnormalities in the anatomy and the position of the attachment in the uterus can render the placenta inefficient in performing its functions. These functions include nourishing the fetus and transmitting nutrients, oxygen, and antibodies through the umbilical cord.

1. Placental Abruption

The difference between an attached and detached placenta

  • In placental abruption, a partial or complete placenta separates from the inner walls of  the uterus during pregnancy, before childbirth

  • Since the placenta detaches early from the uterus, the fetus is deprived of adequate nutrients and oxygen, leading to growth retardation in the fetus.

  • If the placental separation is detected, hospitalization and close monitoring are compulsory. 

  • If the gestation has reached 34 weeks or above, then a planned C Section is carried out to remove the baby from the placental abrupted womb safely.

  • Emergency medical attention is needed to effectively handle severe blood loss and preterm delivery.


  1. Heavy Vaginal bleeding, dark red in color, after 20 weeks of gestation. 
  2. Severe abdominal pain
  3. Uterine contractions
  4. Decrease in fetal movements 
  5. Nausea


  1. Abdominal trauma
  2. Uterine defects like tumors, fibroid
  3. Maternal diseases like hypertension, and diabetes
  4. Cigarette smoking
  5. Abnormality like circumvallate placenta, where the placenta is thickened and spread over a smaller surface area along the uterine lining.

2. Placenta Accreta

How it looks from inside

  • Placenta attaches too deeply into the muscular layer of the uterine wall rather than the uterine lining. Therefore, separating the placenta from the uterus during labor is difficult. 

  • Frequent ultrasounds and close monitoring by the obstetrician are needed. This is to control the excessive bleeding during labor and to avoid the risk of a hysterectomy (Removal of the uterus) because of a deeply invasive placenta.

  • Depending on how deeply the placenta has grown into the uterine wall, it is called either placenta increta (embedded on the muscle wall)  or placenta percreta (grows into nearby organs).

3. Placental Insufficiency

  • Also known as uteroplacental vascular insufficiency. It is an uncommon but complicated condition where the placenta is not fully developed and doesn’t function well.

  • A malformed placenta with too thick or thin membranes, and improper blood vessels, will not be able to supply oxygen, and nutrients to the baby from the mother’s bloodstream. 

  • Diagnosing an insufficiency is crucial to avoid the risk of vaginal bleeding in the mother during labor or birth defects in the baby post-birth.

Effects on the baby

  1. Less fetal movements
  2. Undernourished fetus
  3. Low birth weight
  4. Premature childbirth


  1. Gestational Diabetes 
  2. Hypertension
  3. Blood clotting disorders
  4. Maternal Anemia
  5. Unhealthy lifestyles, smoking, alcohol consumption

4. Retained placenta

Different types of retained placenta

  • Under normal circumstances, the placenta is expelled within 5 to 30 minutes of childbirth. But when a part or whole of the placenta remains trapped in the womb, this condition is called the retained placenta.
  • When left untreated, it can cause serious complications like infection and excessive blood loss in the mother.
  • When the uterus fails to contract enough to expel the placenta, it remains loosely attached to the walls. This is called placenta adherens.
  • Sometimes placenta detaches from the uterus but doesn’t leave the body, as the cervix closes too early. This is called the trapped placenta.
  • Immediate surgery is done to remove the remaining placenta from the womb if a retained placenta is detected in an ultrasound scan. 


  1. Fever in mother after childbirth
  2. Foul-smelling tissue discharges from the vagina post-birth
  3. Heavy vaginal bleeding
  4. Severe abdominal pain

5. Infarcts in the placenta

  • Placenta has some areas of dead tissues, called infarcts. These dead tissues reduce the blood flow in those areas. 

  • This improper blood flow to the fetus results in poor growth and inadequate development. 

  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension is known to increase the number of infarcts within the placenta.

6. Placenta previa

Complete Placenta previa

  • This is a placental position abnormality, where a part or whole of the placenta covers the opening of the cervix during the last trimester. 

  • Under ideal conditions, the placenta should be near the upper segment of the uterus, so that the entrance of the cervix (opening into the birth canal) is cleared for childbirth.

  • However, when the placenta is blocking the cervical opening, normal vaginal delivery is not possible.

Classifications based on the position of the placenta

  1. Low-lying placenta – the placenta attaches within 2 cm from the cervical opening
  2. Marginal placenta previa- Placenta borders the opening, but does not obstruct the cervix. 
  3. Partial placenta previa – Placenta slightly covers the cervix
  4. Complete placenta previa – placenta covering the entire portion of the uterus into the cervix.


  1. Light or heavy bright red-colored vaginal bleeding in the second trimester, usually after 20 weeks into gestation. Placental abruption too has to bleed around the same weeks but is categorized with heavier, dark red vaginal bleeding. 
  2. Uterine contractions and low pelvic cramps 
  3. Fetal infection, low growth rate.


  1. Previous uterine surgeries cause scar tissue in the uterine cavity.
  2. Bad lifestyle choices by the pregnant mother like smoking, and alcohol consumption.
  3. Increased maternal age
  4. Previous history of the low-lying placenta.


  1. Placenta previa prevents the descent of the fetus into the birth canal during labor. Hence, a planned C-section delivery at 34 weeks or above is necessary.
  2. Close medical monitoring is required to avoid the complications of premature labor and hemorrhage in the mother. 
  3. Even though placenta previa blocks the baby’s way out in labor, it doesn’t restrict fetal growth or movement in any stage of pregnancy 


  1. There is no cure for placenta previa. Early diagnosis, few precautions on lifestyle modifications, and restrictions on strenuous physical activity are how placenta previa is managed throughout the pregnancy.
  2. Suggested lifestyle changes include
    • right amount of rest
    • refraining from physical activities like exercise, lifting weights, and jogging.
  3. In case of severe bleeding, hospital admission is needed for emergency medical care and blood transfusions
  4. Good sleep position, providing pelvic rest, and avoiding any uterine triggers like sexual intercourse can help manage placenta previa
  5. Frequent monitoring of the mother’s and baby’s vitals through ultrasound scans is needed. 


Throughout the pregnancy, the placenta grows and changes shape. Vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimesters is the most common sign of an underlying placental abnormality. Abdominal pain, uterine contractions, and severe back pain together with low fetal movements require immediate medical attention. Treatment depends on the severity of the placental disorder, gestational age, and maternal health. Early diagnosis helps to have a better understanding of the risk involved and plan a c-section well in advance.


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Lightning Crotch Mon, 20 Feb 2023 10:58:25 +0000 Lightning Crotch Read More »


Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

Most mothers experience a painful jolt-like sensation lasting for a few seconds during their 3rd trimester. This sensation is known as a lightening crotch. It starts from the groin to the thigh. They are neither dangerous nor a sign of an underlying problem.

Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

What causes lightning Crotch pain?

The most common reason for this pain is your little one kicking on a nerve supplying the cervix. The other reason could be your baby’s head engaging into the lower uterus of your pelvis. Thus, it could mean that you are nearing your D- day. Some women experience it weeks before the estimated date of delivery. Hence, lightning may not always be a sign of labor.

How is lightning crotch pain different from other pains felt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy comes with a lot of aches and pains. It is important to know which pains are normal and which are not. Is lightning crotch pain normal or not? Keep reading and we will tell you! 


  • Round ligament pain radiates out toward the hip bone. It is felt around the 2nd trimester due to the growing uterus. In comparison, lightning pain is usually experienced in the 3rd trimester and radiates toward the thigh.
  • Sciatica is another complaint of mothers. It consists of numbing pain starting from the back/ buttocks to the legs. Causes include nerve compressing the growing uterus, weight gain, and fluid retention. It may seem very similar to lightning crotch pain, but the reason is entirely different. Many mothers confuse the lightening crotch pain with labor pain.

Knowing how to differentiate these pains from others is important

How to get relief from lightning crotch pain?

You don’t need to go to a doctor for normal lightening crotch pain. With just some simple remedies, you can easily manage it at home.

  • If the pain is due to the baby putting pressure on a nerve, changing your position usually helps. Change your position from standing to sitting or vice versa.
  • You can also try a warm shower to ease the pain and stress. Other pains associated with pregnancy, like round ligament pain, also get relieved with a warm shower.
  • Wearing a belt or an abdominal support band also helps lighten the load on the pelvis, helping with the pain.
  • Do not forget to attend your antenatal yoga classes, mama! Yoga helps with these aches and pains


Minor aches and pains are a part of pregnancy. lightning pain is something that most expecting moms experience during the last part of pregnancy. It is not dangerous and does not require a doctor’s intervention in most cases. And the good news is that this pain lasts for a few seconds at the most. Sometimes it may occur concurrently with labor, hence, watch out for other signs of labor. 


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Fed up with Itching during Pregnancy? Sun, 19 Feb 2023 10:47:01 +0000 Fed up with Itching during Pregnancy? Read More »


When we think of side effects during pregnancy, we think of nausea, morning sickness, mood swings, etc. Itching is something that few pregnant women expect. But it is in fact very common and something that is fairly easy to deal with. In this write-up, you know everything you need to know about itching during pregnancy.


In This Article –

1. Is It Normal To Feel Itchy During Pregnancy?

Sometimes you can get itchy rashes during pregnancy

Yes! It is normal to feel a bit scratchy during this time, especially in the later months of pregnancy. Your body is going through many changes to give your baby a perfect home inside you. And sometimes, these changes can cause side effects such as itching in certain sensitive places.

Sometimes itching can be a symptom of a more severe condition lying underneath. Keep on reading to know when you should consult help for it.

2. What causes it?

Make sure you use chemical-free products for your skin

There is no one cause for feeling itchy during pregnancy. Instead, there can be many things that can result in itchiness during pregnancy;


  1.  The most common ones can be stretching skin and hormones.  
  1. Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) can make irritation rashes appear along the stretch marks during later months of pregnancy. 
  1. Your skin tends to dry during pregnancy, which can cause irritation. 
  1. Cholestasis can cause itchiness because of bile acid building up in your blood, and it typically occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. 
  1. Prurigo causes scratchy bumps to grow on the arms, legs, and abdomen of a pregnant woman. These bumps can occur in any trimester of pregnancy. 

3. What can I do about it?

Feeling nausea along with itchiness can be due to cholestasis

There are different solutions for different situations, we can list them for you to try and see what works for you. 

Don’t worry, we will share them in simple words without any jargon.


  1.  A very frequent cause of itchiness is the perfume or detergent you are using. Consider changing them for all-natural and organic products. 
  1. Avoid wearing tight-fitting or synthetic clothes, as they can really aggravate your already sensitive skin. Go for loose-fitting cotton clothes, as they are soft and gentle on your skin. 
  1. Most times, itchiness can just be due to dry skin. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help in keeping your skin healthy. 
  1. You can also apply perfume-free moisturizer or your good old coconut oil on your skin to keep it from drying out. Make sure you apply it twice a day.
  1. Control the urge to scratch your itchy skin. It will just increase the rashes. Instead, keep a cotton napkin in the freezer, let it cool, and use this for mild cold fomentation. This will help soothe your skin.

4. When should I see a doctor?

Some causes of itchiness are so serious that you should go to a doctor immediately. But how do we know when to do that?


If along with itchiness you are also showing symptoms like nausea, dark-colored urine, and yellowing of the skin, then you likely have cholestasis. It is a liver condition where bile acid gets accumulated in your blood. Consult a doctor immediately, so they can take a blood test and start treating it. 


Next, if you have rashes along your stretching skin, you probably have PUPPP. Similarly, if you notice crusty-looking bumps along your legs, arms, and abdomen, it can be prurigo

5. Conclusion

Itchiness is something that can be taken lightly by many. We hope that you are now a little more aware of how to deal with any itchiness that comes your way in your pregnancy journey and when to get medical help if necessary. You can also reach out to the TME team by joining our WhatsApp community, where you will get 24/7 peer support! Just click here to sign up: TME WhatsApp community. 

You can also reach us anytime through our various social media handles. Subscribe to TME to get a notification every time a new informative blog is posted!

Worried about how pregnancy brings changes in your body? Join our expert programme Pregnancy Birth & Beyond to experience a happy and healthy journey to motherhood!

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Home Remedies for Illness in Pregnant Women Sun, 19 Feb 2023 10:39:07 +0000 Home Remedies for Illness in Pregnant Women Read More »


In This Article –

Pregnant and down with a flu? Backache and headache taking a toll on your pregnancy? Down with cold and cough while pregnant and want to know how to get rid of it? 

 Here are some homemade remedies that one could try to get rid of the disease safely at home without taking medications. 

It is always advised that any illness or disease be reported to the Obgyn before starting any medications or remedies. As the ingredient may affect the baby and always remember that it is not just about curing the illness but also preventing the baby from contracting it, without affecting the growth and development.


Headaches are triggered by the hormonal changes that are constantly occurring in the mother and are more marked in early pregnancy. Headaches during later  stages of pregnancy may also indicate high blood pressure and need immediate intervention by the Ob-gyn.


It is always helpful to maintain a chart or diary on what triggers these headaches during pregnancy. Some women develop headaches due to stress; some develop it when not taken food adequately and others due to weather changes. Thus, identifying these triggers help solve the problem.


Nibbling onto snacks whenever hungry like fruits or nuts; reducing caffeine and replacing them with fruit teas and caffeine free herbal teas( ajwain chai, tulsi chai etc); staying hydrated always and sipping onto coconut water, sweet lemon juice and buttermilk(chaas, lassi) to quench thirst during summers and warming soups and teas during winters also help in combating weather changes.


Cutting down on stress and regular yoga including breathing exercises also have a drastic change on curing headaches. Using cold/warm compresses on the area of headache, head massage and cold shower and aromatherapy also eases the headache to great extent and helps in elevating the mood.


If any abnormal pattern that may have been noticed by the mother, need to be reported to the health care provider for timely intervention.


Backache is a common complaint among pregnant women and the most effective way to cure it is by changing the posture while sitting and sleeping. Working women who have sedentary jobs and sit for long hours should try to take frequent breaks and walk for few minutes before resuming work. Those who stand for long hours should also take breaks in between and sit for some time. 


Wearing a supporting maternity bra with wide straps and larger cups also reduce the strain on the shoulders and ribs and hence ease back ache. Propping up pillows while sleeping and sitting supporting the back also helps in easing backache. Exercising regularly during pregnancy and doing yoga also helps in relieving backache.


Fever is accompanied by other symptoms like rashes or any salmon-coloured spots, it needs to be immediately reported to the Obgyn as the infections causing fever with rash may have adverse effects on the baby.


Slight raise in body temperature can be cured by adequate rest and plenty of fluid intake to prevent getting overheated. Not all drugs are safe during pregnancy, hence home remedies are mostly advised in pregnant women. Paracetamol is the most commonly prescribed drug for fever as it is safe during pregnancy.


Warm soups heal the soul and provide relief from fever; warm herbal teas with tulsi or ginger can also be taken. Mustard oil and garlic that are usually used in everyday cooking are effective in reducing fever. Lemon and honey are also quite effective in alleviating the agent causing fever and improving immunity.

Cough and Cold

Having cold and cough at any time of the pregnancy, when not accompanied by any red flag signs, is usually normal and may not require professional intervention. Having a running nose or a stuffy nose with cough is quite a nuisance to the mother, but seems to not cause any damage to the growing baby.


Home remedies like steam inhalation, salt water nasal spray and vapour rubs can also provide relief from stuffy and running nose. Paracetamol can also be taken as an over-the-counter drug, however reporting to the Obgyn is advised. Lozenges and cough syrups are quite helpful, but requires the Obgyn to prescribe it as not all drugs are safe. An infusion of ginger, honey and lemon mixed in water acts as an excellent relief provider against cough and irritated throat. Herbal teas containing ginger and tulsi also helps in providing relief from cough.


Pregnant women contract flu from other people via sneezing or coughing where the droplets and aerosols. It is always advised to maintain safe distance from those who cough and sneeze without covering their nose and mouth. But once the pregnant woman is down with flu, medications to bring down the fever and other symptoms are started by the treating medical professional. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids with taking adequate rest is advised. Herbal teas with ginger and tulsi, lemon-honey-ginger concoction and having balanced and wholesome foods is advised. Vitamin C rich foods improve immunity and are hence advised. Warm broths and rasams also provide warmth and relief from sore throat that accompanies flu. Turmeric milk is also a miraculous concoction that gets rid of the offending agent and helps to cure the flu. Salt water gargling and steam inhalation also relieves sore throat and runny nose.

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