2nd Trimester – The Mom Experts https://themomexperts.com Fri, 26 Jan 2024 05:06:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://themomexperts.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-The-Mom-Experts-Logo-01-1-32x32.png 2nd Trimester – The Mom Experts https://themomexperts.com 32 32 Lightning Crotch https://themomexperts.com/lightning-crotch/ https://themomexperts.com/lightning-crotch/#respond Mon, 20 Feb 2023 10:58:25 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2456 Lightning Crotch Read More »


Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

Most mothers experience a painful jolt-like sensation lasting for a few seconds during their 3rd trimester. This sensation is known as a lightening crotch. It starts from the groin to the thigh. They are neither dangerous nor a sign of an underlying problem.

Have you ever experienced jolt-like twinges’ mama?

What causes lightning Crotch pain?

The most common reason for this pain is your little one kicking on a nerve supplying the cervix. The other reason could be your baby’s head engaging into the lower uterus of your pelvis. Thus, it could mean that you are nearing your D- day. Some women experience it weeks before the estimated date of delivery. Hence, lightning may not always be a sign of labor.

How is lightning crotch pain different from other pains felt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy comes with a lot of aches and pains. It is important to know which pains are normal and which are not. Is lightning crotch pain normal or not? Keep reading and we will tell you! 


  • Round ligament pain radiates out toward the hip bone. It is felt around the 2nd trimester due to the growing uterus. In comparison, lightning pain is usually experienced in the 3rd trimester and radiates toward the thigh.
  • Sciatica is another complaint of mothers. It consists of numbing pain starting from the back/ buttocks to the legs. Causes include nerve compressing the growing uterus, weight gain, and fluid retention. It may seem very similar to lightning crotch pain, but the reason is entirely different. Many mothers confuse the lightening crotch pain with labor pain.

Knowing how to differentiate these pains from others is important

How to get relief from lightning crotch pain?

You don’t need to go to a doctor for normal lightening crotch pain. With just some simple remedies, you can easily manage it at home.

  • If the pain is due to the baby putting pressure on a nerve, changing your position usually helps. Change your position from standing to sitting or vice versa.
  • You can also try a warm shower to ease the pain and stress. Other pains associated with pregnancy, like round ligament pain, also get relieved with a warm shower.
  • Wearing a belt or an abdominal support band also helps lighten the load on the pelvis, helping with the pain.
  • Do not forget to attend your antenatal yoga classes, mama! Yoga helps with these aches and pains


Minor aches and pains are a part of pregnancy. lightning pain is something that most expecting moms experience during the last part of pregnancy. It is not dangerous and does not require a doctor’s intervention in most cases. And the good news is that this pain lasts for a few seconds at the most. Sometimes it may occur concurrently with labor, hence, watch out for other signs of labor. 


The content and editorial team at TME strives to bring to you the most authentic and trustworthy information. Our sources are very reliable, ranging from Medical health professionals, health organizations, and real-life experiences. We believe it is equally important for you to know the source and credibility of our information.




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Fed up with Itching during Pregnancy? https://themomexperts.com/fed-up-with-itching-during-pregnancy/ https://themomexperts.com/fed-up-with-itching-during-pregnancy/#respond Sun, 19 Feb 2023 10:47:01 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2434 Fed up with Itching during Pregnancy? Read More »


When we think of side effects during pregnancy, we think of nausea, morning sickness, mood swings, etc. Itching is something that few pregnant women expect. But it is in fact very common and something that is fairly easy to deal with. In this write-up, you know everything you need to know about itching during pregnancy.


In This Article –

1. Is It Normal To Feel Itchy During Pregnancy?

Sometimes you can get itchy rashes during pregnancy

Yes! It is normal to feel a bit scratchy during this time, especially in the later months of pregnancy. Your body is going through many changes to give your baby a perfect home inside you. And sometimes, these changes can cause side effects such as itching in certain sensitive places.

Sometimes itching can be a symptom of a more severe condition lying underneath. Keep on reading to know when you should consult help for it.

2. What causes it?

Make sure you use chemical-free products for your skin

There is no one cause for feeling itchy during pregnancy. Instead, there can be many things that can result in itchiness during pregnancy;


  1.  The most common ones can be stretching skin and hormones.  
  1. Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) can make irritation rashes appear along the stretch marks during later months of pregnancy. 
  1. Your skin tends to dry during pregnancy, which can cause irritation. 
  1. Cholestasis can cause itchiness because of bile acid building up in your blood, and it typically occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. 
  1. Prurigo causes scratchy bumps to grow on the arms, legs, and abdomen of a pregnant woman. These bumps can occur in any trimester of pregnancy. 

3. What can I do about it?

Feeling nausea along with itchiness can be due to cholestasis

There are different solutions for different situations, we can list them for you to try and see what works for you. 

Don’t worry, we will share them in simple words without any jargon.


  1.  A very frequent cause of itchiness is the perfume or detergent you are using. Consider changing them for all-natural and organic products. 
  1. Avoid wearing tight-fitting or synthetic clothes, as they can really aggravate your already sensitive skin. Go for loose-fitting cotton clothes, as they are soft and gentle on your skin. 
  1. Most times, itchiness can just be due to dry skin. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help in keeping your skin healthy. 
  1. You can also apply perfume-free moisturizer or your good old coconut oil on your skin to keep it from drying out. Make sure you apply it twice a day.
  1. Control the urge to scratch your itchy skin. It will just increase the rashes. Instead, keep a cotton napkin in the freezer, let it cool, and use this for mild cold fomentation. This will help soothe your skin.

4. When should I see a doctor?

Some causes of itchiness are so serious that you should go to a doctor immediately. But how do we know when to do that?


If along with itchiness you are also showing symptoms like nausea, dark-colored urine, and yellowing of the skin, then you likely have cholestasis. It is a liver condition where bile acid gets accumulated in your blood. Consult a doctor immediately, so they can take a blood test and start treating it. 


Next, if you have rashes along your stretching skin, you probably have PUPPP. Similarly, if you notice crusty-looking bumps along your legs, arms, and abdomen, it can be prurigo

5. Conclusion

Itchiness is something that can be taken lightly by many. We hope that you are now a little more aware of how to deal with any itchiness that comes your way in your pregnancy journey and when to get medical help if necessary. You can also reach out to the TME team by joining our WhatsApp community, where you will get 24/7 peer support! Just click here to sign up: TME WhatsApp community. 

You can also reach us anytime through our various social media handles. Subscribe to TME to get a notification every time a new informative blog is posted!

Worried about how pregnancy brings changes in your body? Join our expert programme Pregnancy Birth & Beyond to experience a happy and healthy journey to motherhood!


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Hypno-Birthing https://themomexperts.com/hypno-birthing/ https://themomexperts.com/hypno-birthing/#respond Sun, 19 Feb 2023 09:54:22 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2408 Hypno-Birthing Read More »


Hypnobirthing aims to help a woman deal with any fear related to childbirth. This technique uses a combination of music, visualization, positive thinking, and words to relax the body and mind to control negative thoughts during labor. 


In This Article –

What is Hypnobirthing?

Getting physically, mentally emotionally fit for childbirth

  • Hypnobirthing is a childbirth technique that uses self-hypnosis techniques and promotes deep breathing, relaxation, visualization, and affirmations/ hypnosis scripts to shorten labor and reduce painful contractions.
  • This technique replaces fear, anxiety, and the negative environment of labor in a pregnant woman with a confident, comfortable and relaxed birth experience.
  • Simple therapeutic techniques prepare a woman physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit for childbirth.

Hypnobirthing Techniques

  • It uses positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualizations to relax the mother’s body and incorporate positive thoughts along with balanced breathing control. It can be achieved either by self-hypnosis or with assistance from a certified hypnotherapist. 

  • Common words used in pregnancy and labor are meticulously replaced to ensure a fear-free and comfortable childbirth. For example, the word contraction is replaced by the word ‘surge’ and dilatation by ‘blossoming’. The visualization of a blooming flower or flower opening petals is used to achieve relaxation.

  • Similarly controlled breathing is another technique to lower stress hormones. A simple method is to breathe through the nose, hold it for a few seconds and release it slowly through the mouth. Slow and steady breathing concentrated solely on the intake and outlet of air relaxes the body and prepares it for a pleasant childbirth experience.

  • Guided meditations with the help of soothing music and aromatherapy further relax the pregnant woman. It takes a state of daydreaming where the mind is filled with the things a pregnant mother loves. By controlling pain and stress hormones, the body may let go and submit fully to the baby’s delivery

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • The hypnobirthing classes also provide information on topics such as nutrition during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth.

  • It may not completely make the process pain-free or restricts the use of epidural, but makes sure that the labor and childbirth process is comfortable and filled with positivity.

  • These techniques can also be used when medical intervention is mandatory and the woman can make full use of the breathing and focus techniques.

  • Even under medical supervision, the mother manages to maintain a calm and serene mental state which also helps in shortening the time of initial labor.

  • As there are no medications involved, the chance of anything harming the baby is not a concern.

  • Helps the woman to actively participate in childbirth and also has a better postpartum experience and the chances of postpartum depression and PTSD is less likely to occur.

All the points mentioned above need not hold good for every woman and hypnobirthing women may also undergo a C-section based on the complications. Thus, educating oneself about such topics beforehand and having a talk with the Ob-gyn helps the couple decide whether or not to opt for hypnobirthing.


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Preparing to Breastfeed Before the Birth of Baby https://themomexperts.com/preparing-to-breastfeed-before-the-birth-of-baby/ https://themomexperts.com/preparing-to-breastfeed-before-the-birth-of-baby/#respond Sat, 18 Feb 2023 17:48:21 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2376 Preparing to Breastfeed Before the Birth of Baby Read More »


Breast milk is Nature’s gift for all babies. Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for all new moms but sometimes it doesn’t always begin smoothly for both baby and mother. With little knowledge and effort, the mother can give her baby the foremost gift that he/she receives ever in their life. This journey of give and take is what strengthens the emotional bonding between mothers with her baby. Hence, every pregnant woman needs to understand the importance of breast milk and learn how to handle the uncertainties positively.


In This Article –

How Does The Body Prepare For Breastfeeding?

It is very important to know that the body starts preparing for breastfeeding even from the early stage of pregnancy. Tingling nipples, increase in breast size, are the most common signs of a body’s preparation for breastfeeding. Pregnancy brings a lot of hormonal changes to the breasts. The blood supply to your breasts increases, milk ducts, and milk-producing cells show gradual development with each stage of pregnancy.

How Does The Body Prepare For Breastfeeding?

Breast milk is a boon for new born. Breast milk will change over time and each stage of milk is customised to meet the baby’s needs precisely.


Colostrum: – The very first yellow substance produced after delivery is called Colostrum. Colostrum provides all nutrients and antibodies that protect the new born from all kinds of infections during the initial days. 


Transitional milk: – Transitional milk comes after 3 to 5 days of birth. It has a very thin consistency. During the transitional breast milk phase, the mother experience a few changes like breast enlargement, heavy swollen and painful breasts


Mature milk: – Generally mature milk is produced after 10-15 days of baby’s birth. Mature milk contains compositions that protect the baby against bacterial and viral infections.


Foremilk is the thin milk secreted at the start of each feeding session. As the mother continues to nurse the baby, the milk gradually becomes fattier and thick. This is called Hindmilk.

Preparations Prior To Baby Birth

It is always better to prepare oneself for breastfeeding before the baby is born.  Here are few ideas to help the mother prepare for breast feeding.

1 - Attend Antenatal classes

Join antenatal classes. Antenatal class helps to prepare ahead of motherhood journey and also educates the mother about the right position and guidelines for breastfeeding. Similarly the safe hygienic practices that need to followed and handling any uncertainties are addressed in these classes.

2 - Take advice from other moms

Advises and suggestions from elder women in family is very important for new mothers. Experience is the best teacher.reevaluating age old practices will enlighten youmg mothers and helps them engage in breastfeeding more confidently.

3 - Talk to doctor

Professional advice is always the best. Discussing with a doctor to clear out all concerns regarding safe breast feeding practices is very important.

4 - Self study

There is a lot of authentic information in the form of articles, books, guides, you tube videos. Try to invest time in understand which suits the best and plan ahead. Make customised plans and always be careful not to fall for the misleading superstition beliefs.

5 - Have a Breast Examination

Talk to the doctor about breast examination to make sure they are medically and physically healthy for breastfeeding.

6 - Create a comfortable place for breastfeeding

Create a comfortable space at home to nurse the baby. Arrange some pillows and quilt to make that place comfortable and warm for the new born.

7 - Stock up on items needed for breastfeeding

Things needed for breastfeeding should be planned and prepared ahead to make the feeding session more comfortable.


(a) Nursing Pillows:- Nursing pillows or boppy pillows are designed to give support to the baby while breastfeeding. During Breastfeeding, this pillow keeps the baby at breast height so that they can latch easily.


(b) Nursing Bras:- Nursing bras provide additional support for milk-filled breasts. This allows the mother to breastfeed without the need to take the shirt off.


(c) Nipple cream:- Nipple creams  protects the mother from the itchy, dry, and cracked nipples that are caused by breastfeeding.


(d) Breast Pads:- Breast pads help to absorb any milk that may leak from breasts. Many types of breast pads are available including disposable and reusable pads.


(e)Breast pump: If the baby faces any difficulty to latch directly from the mother, then a breast pump can be very helpful. This may be manual or electronic.

8 - Make a feeding plan

While making a postpartum plan, make sure to include a feeding plan as well. This helps the mother to stay organized during breastfeeding.

9 - Get the help of a lactation consultant

Getting the help of a lactation consultant is neccessary in case of anxious young mothers.





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Sex During Pregnancy https://themomexperts.com/sex-during-pregnancy/ https://themomexperts.com/sex-during-pregnancy/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:30:56 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2350 Sex During Pregnancy Read More »


Causes Of Multiple Pregnancies

Sex during pregnancy is quite liberating and safe with a few added benefits for your partner and you. And guess what?? No need of Birth Control!

It is quite often kept under wraps, not spoken about or considered a taboo in most cultures. The various misconceptions fed by the older generations also add to the less knowledge possessed by women about this topic.

On the quest to educate our fellow sisters, here is TME shushing the hush around this topic and providing the right information that you deserve to be aware of. 


In This Article –

Is sex during pregnancy safe for the baby or does it triggers labour?

Sex during pregnancy is SAFE during all stages of normal pregnancy. Normal pregnancy is a low-risk pregnancy with no complications of miscarriages and preterm-labours.

Which trimester is ideal for safe Sex?

During the first trimester, intense nausea and morning sickness cloud every ounce of your interest in any activity and sex is the last thing on your mind. However, sex drive returns to full force by second trimester and can be practiced during that time.


However, some women might also find sex during this period uncomfortable as their bodies get larger. Hence, different sexual positions can be tried to overcome this issue.

Is sex harmful to the baby?

No, the baby is well encased within the amniotic sac and the uterine muscles hold it together. There is no contact of the penis with the foetus during sex.

Can sexual orgasms lead to contractions and/ or miscarriage?

In safe pregnancies, with low to no risk, sex cannot precipitate contractions. The orgasmic contractions are different from labour.

Are there any Sexual positions for that are best during pregnancy?

Most sexual positions are good except missionary, as the growing belly requires space and missionary position can get in the way. Side-by-side, woman on top, modified missionary (with a pillow beneath for support and partner supporting them and not bearing their weight on the tummy), edge of a bed or chair support sex position are quite ideal.


Oral sex and anal sex can also be enjoyed, but with prior precautions and better avoided in conditions of haemorrhoids, placental previa.

When it is not advised to have sex during pregnancy?

In all cases of risky pregnancies which the Health care provider has previously warned, sex is avoided. These conditions include Placenta previa, premature labour, Herpes, Cervical insufficiency, ruptured membranes, abnormal vaginal discharge/ bleeding, etc.

Is it necessary to use condoms?

Sexually transmitted infection has a direct bearing on the foetus. Thus, it is always advised to wear condoms and take prior precautions before having sex.

What if I do not feel like having sex?

Pregnancy comes with a baggage of changing moods and it is emotionally a roller-coaster ride. The play of hormones during pregnancy is no joke and hence, disinterest in having sex is more than normal. Cuddling with your partner, kissing, gentle hugs and massage also adds for a perfect bonding time without actually having to go down the town.


In any case, communication is the key. Keep the forum of exchanging each other’s thoughts open and let your partner know about your concerns. Try and come to a common consensus by joint discussions with each other as well as your health care provider. And always remember that intimacy is always more than sex which improves the mental health of a pregnant mother.




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A guide on Multiple Pregnancies https://themomexperts.com/a-guide-on-multiple-pregnancies/ https://themomexperts.com/a-guide-on-multiple-pregnancies/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:06:20 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2334 A guide on Multiple Pregnancies Read More »


Expecting twins/ triplets?? Then you should check out the below module to know everything about multiple pregnancies.


In This Article –

Causes Of Multiple Pregnancies

Twins, triplets and other higher order multiples constitute a multiple pregnancy. They are more common in a family with previous history of twin/ multiple pregnancies. It is also common in assisted reproductive procedures and in couples with increased maternal age. In increased maternal age, the hormones may cause more than one egg to be released, which when fertilized by sperms develop into multiple zygotes and multiple babies.

Identical And Non-Identical Multiples

Fraternal twins or non-identical twins are the most common kind of twins, where 2 eggs are simultaneously released by the ovary and are fertilized by 2 sperms respectively. Each baby develops with a separate placenta and amniotic sac. Here the twins may be 2 girls, 2 boys or a girl and a boy.


Identical twins are formed when the fertilized egg immediately divides and forms 2 foetuses.   Here, the twins may share the same placenta and amniotic sac or may develop with separate amniotic sacs. They are genetically identical and have similar physical traits. The sex of the babies is either 2 girls or 2 boys.


Triplets or higher order multiples can be either identical or fraternal or a combination of both and hence the gender can be only boys or only   girls or boys and girls. 

Diagnosing A Twin Pregnancy

Multiple pregnancies are mostly diagnosed by an Ob-gyn on Ultrasonography taken in first trimester.

Symptoms During Multiple Pregnancy

Though women usually have slightly exaggerated pregnancy symptoms when pregnant with multiple babies, this may or may not hold true for all women. The additional weight put on by the mother and the hormones make the women prone to certain additional symptoms like:


  1. Spotting
  2. Increased incidence of nausea and vomiting
  3. Indigestion and heart burn
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Back and hip ache
  6. Constipation

Any Special Care To Be Taken When Pregnant With Multiple Babies?

Taking care of oneself is taking care of the babies. Multiple check-ups need to be done to assess the growth and development of the babies. Extra scans and appointments with the Ob-gyn is highly suggested as it helps in working up the delivery mode and pros and cons of each mode. The scans also reveal whether the babies are united by a single placenta (monochromic) or not. This has an implication on the mode of delivery and complications related to it.


 Women also need to gain more weight when pregnant with multiple babies as compared to a single pregnancy. The most common implication of this being increased incidence of depression and anxiety among mothers. Some women face issues related to body image as they put on extra kilos for nourishing their multiple little ones. It is highly suggested to share these concerns with the doctor and with mum groups to feel at ease as they help the mother in coping up with the stress. Joining antenatal classes of mum-groups dealing with multiple pregnancies where others share their birth stories may be inspiring and also puts the mother at ease.


Extra blood pressure and urine check-ups are done as women with multiple pregnancies are at a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. Women also have apprehensions about caesarean delivery of babies and such concerns are to be shared with the Ob-gyn early-on. Not all mothers who are pregnant with multiple pregnancies deliver via C-section. There are instances of normal delivery too. However, sometimes such decisions need to be taken beside as complications in multiple pregnancies are slightly higher and C-section delivery may be inevitable. Such counselling is provided by the health care provider and there is usually plenty of time to think and act.

Labour And Birth Of Babies

Usually, women with multiple pregnancies give birth before 38 weeks. Based on the assessment of the babies and the complications, the Ob-gyn may choose for a normal delivery or a planned c- section delivery.


If woman is not in active labor, she may be induced and regular foetal monitoring is done with EFM. An epidural may also be given. If the first baby is in a head-down position, then normal delivery is most likely possible and post birth of the first baby, the position of second baby is assessed via ultrasound or vaginal examination. If the baby is in a head-down position, then normal vaginal delivery is possible. The placental delivery however is done with the help of a hormonal injection and not via the normal method as there is high risk of PPH and bleeding.

Complications In A Multiple Pregnancy

  1. Premature delivery is one of the most common complications of multiple pregnancies. It also has other implications on the baby like underdeveloped foetal lungs, vision difficulties and digestive problems.
  2. Gestational diabetes: a condition where the mother is diagnosed with high blood sugar during pregnancy is also a high risk for both the mother and the babies.
  3. High blood pressure in mother
  4. Twin-twin transfusion- where the placental blood vessel supplies more blood to one baby compared to the other. This is an increased risk of cardiac complications for both the babies.

Most women consider having multiple babies a boon and are enthralled by the news, for some it may come as a shock. There are definitely quite a few solvable but tough challenges a women faces when pregnant with multiple babies. Some additional family support and extra care with acquiring knowledge on the care of oneself and the babies is quite helpful. And seeking help whenever one feels low is highly suggested.

Take time and enjoy with your little ones!


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Traveling while Pregnant https://themomexperts.com/traveling-while-pregnant/ https://themomexperts.com/traveling-while-pregnant/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 08:36:50 +0000 https://themomexperts.com/?p=2307 Traveling while Pregnant Read More »


Travelling while pregnant is just as enjoyable as ever as long as necessary precautions are taken in advance. Ideally, it is advisable to get a physical examination done prior to long duration journeys as it’s always safe to rule out any unprecedented circumstances while travelling. By communicating about the travel plans with the doctor, it’s possible to receive customized guidelines about do’s and don’ts in accordance with your pregnancy and personalized health track records. In general, planning a few important things ahead about comfort and safety ensures a stress free travel experience. Foreseeing any adverse situations or emergencies that may come up and the possible alternatives to handle such situations need to be discussed before any travel.


In this article –

Best time to Travel during Pregnancy

  1. As mentioned earlier, healthy pregnant women can safely travel close to due date under normal circumstances. But, the second trimester from 14 to 28 weeks is considered the best period to travel, as the risk of complications is the lowest.
  2. Morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety and risk of miscarriage make it hard for most of women to travel in the initial weeks of pregnancy.
  3. The weeks closer to labor are tiring, uncomfortable to move around freely and there is always risk of early labor, so it is always advisable to limit travel and stay close to home.

Circumstances Under Which Travelling Need To Be Limited / Avoided

  1. Even though travelling is safe during pregnancy, there are certain situations and health conditions that refrain pregnant women from travelling in general or at least limiting it to some extent.
  2. Heart diseases in pregnant women,
  3. Gestational diabetes,
  4. Respiratory illness,
  5. Sickle cell disease,
  6. Recent hemorrhage,
  7. Severe anemia is some of the health conditions that need restrictions in travel. In inevitable cases, the travel should be strictly monitored and guided by the doctor.

Complications in present pregnancy like – 

  1. Preeclampsia,
  2. Ectopic pregnancy,
  3. Multiple fetuses,
  4. Incompetent cervix,
  5. Placental abnormalities can always carry a risk of spontaneous abortion or premature labor.
  6. High blood pressure in pregnant mother,
  7. Earlier incidents of miscarriage,
  8. Vaginal bleeding,
  9. Infertility issues,
  10. Risk of early labor are some other circumstances where travelling is restricted. Depending on the severity of these conditions, the medical health care professional decides the safest options.


Warning Signs that need immediate attention while Travelling

It is very important to be aware of and interpret some signals that needs immediate call for help

  1. Vaginal bleeding/passing tissue or clots
  2. Rupture of membranes or “water breaking “
  3. Pelvis or abdominal pain or contractions (please note, some pains and contractions might not be a cause of worry, check for different types of contractions and when to raise an alarm)
  4. High fever/ breathing difficulty
  5. Symptoms of preeclampsia ( headaches/seeing spots/ changes in eyesight/ swelling of hands and face )
  6. Signs of DVT –Swelling of legs (Deep vein thrombosis- condition in which blood clot forms in veins, usually in legs or around pelvic areas)
  7. Signs of severe dehydration
  8. Heavy morning sickness with persistent vomiting

Travel by Road

Travelling by car can be made more comfortable by practicing certain simple safety procedures. 

  1. Wear seat belt always. The cross strap positioned between the breasts and lap strap across the pelvic area under the bump.
  2. While driving, move the seat as back as possible to stretch legs comfortably. Adjust the steering wheel to keep it as away from the stomach as possible. If needed, provide support cushion for resting the back or neck during the journey.
  3. Avoid rapid acceleration, hand breaking, and avoid poor road conditions as much as possible to minimize jolting and improper movement.
  4. Sitting for long hours in a car or train can be uncomfortable for legs and back; can also increase the risk of blood clot in legs, a condition called –DVT, deep vein thrombosis. If left unnoticed this can lead to pulmonary embolism when the blood clot reaches the lungs. Without any muscle movement, sitting idle while travelling in long journeys, pregnant women are at high risk of DVT. It can be prevented by simple precautionary measures.
  5. Drink lot of water to prevent dehydration
  6. Take regular stops to move around and stretch the legs to allow blood flow in legs and reduce muscle stiffness
  7. Do simple exercises to relieve muscle fatigue at regular intervals like flexing, rotating the feet, wiggling the toes, neck rotation, foot raise, foot circles, Knee massages.
  8. Eat well to boost energy
  9. Wear loose light clothing and comfortable shoes
  10. Try using compression stockings to reduce leg swelling
  11. Under high risk, consult the doctor for heparin injections to thin the blood so as to prevent clotting
  12. Handling motion sickness is another issue of concern in travel. Sitting in the front seat of car, certain medicines used for treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may also be effective in relieving motion sickness. Avoid reading books or looking into phones when the car is in motion.
  13. Pack up small healthy snacks, ginger candies, hot water, and lemon lollipops to relieve nausea. Sniffing lavender, chamomile, peppermint help alleviate nausea.
  14. Make frequent trips to the bathroom. Never try to hold on pee as it can cause urinary tract infections.
  15. Riding a motorcycle is not ideal while pregnant as in some cases giddiness can make it difficult in balancing the vehicle. But in countries like India, where it is inevitable, make sure to sit with legs on each side of the seat as in case of jerk or bump, the risk of falling is less. Avoid sari, duppatas for comfortable ride. Drive slowly; avoid pot holes and rough terrain as much as possible. Glide over bumps and speed breakers gently.

Travel by Train

In India, travelling by train is the most recommended mode of long distance hauls during pregnancy. Train travel is comparatively turbulence free and smooth. Also train compartments and seats are more spacious and comfortable than car or economy seats in airplanes. Seats in AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3 tier coaches have more spacious berths and ample leg space. There are also a few special seat reservations for pregnant women in Indian railways. Make sure to check on this facility before booking the tickets.


The precautions while travelling by train are almost similar to that of the road travel, except for the necessity to avoid crowded trains and avoid super rush hours while commuting the local trains. Do not stand for long in train; claim the dependent seats without any hesitation. In addition –

  1. Carry your own food and water
  2. Carry your own pillow and bedding to be more comfortable
  3. Try to time your washroom break with the train stops
  4. Choose lower berths in long journeys
  5. Ask for assistance from train attendants
  6. Avoid travelling alone in the later weeks of pregnancy
  7. Carry sanitizers, paper napkins and mask

Travel by Air

Commercial air travel until 36 weeks of pregnancy is considered safe in case of a normal healthy pregnancy. Most of aircrafts allow domestic travelling until 36 weeks and international travelling around 28 to 34 weeks. It varies with airlines policies. In some airlines, a medical clearance report signed by the doctor will be asked to present at the time of check-in. Following simple steps can make air travel more safe and peaceful during long haul flights (duration more than 4hrs).


  1. Lower air pressure in the cabin will slightly reduce the amount of oxygen blood, but body will adjust to it.
  2. Choose the comfortable aisle seat for more leg room and for the easy access to washroom. Use a comfort pillow or neck support.
  3. Avoid carbonated and caffeinated drink; eat small meals to prevent acidic refluxes and indigestion.
  4. Travel light with easy to carry luggage’s, ask for help if needed
  5. Carry comfort candies and keep away from gaseous foods.
  6. Take necessary measures to restrain the risk of blood clots in legs.  Get up from seat and do some stretches or walk few steps to relieve muscle fatigue
  7. Swelling in legs due to fluid retention, nasal congestion, blocked nose are also common in air travellers. Keeping oneself hydrated with warm water helps prevent any inflammation during flying.
  8. Always wear seat belt to avoid dripping in case of turbulence

Food safety and personal Hygiene while Travelling

  1. It’s ideal to eat small light food at regular meals for ease in digestion. Avoiding caffeinated drink, alcohol, and carbonated beverages can help prevent acid reflexes and nausea.
  2. Take all precautionary steps to keep away from food and water borne diseases.
  3. Don’t eat raw or uncooked food. Boiled or bottled need to be used for drinking.
  4. Avoid unpasteurized dairy products and ice.
  5. Carry personal hygiene products like sanitizers, intimate washes, sanitary napkins.
  6.  Wash hands at regular intervals and be cautions for infections in public washrooms.

Must have Essentials while travelling

  1. Keep a copy of the health record, prescriptions, vaccination charts handy throughout the travelling.
  2. Check out travel health insurances.
  3. Take the prenatal vitamins and other prescribed medicines in immediate access.
  4. Prepare a travel kit. Customize it according to personal ideas.
  5. Prescribed medicines
  6. Pain balms
  7. Toilet seat sanitizers
  8. Intimate hygiene care
  9. Antacids
  10. Prenatal vitamins
  11. Sanitizing wipes
  12. Wear comfortable clothing to keep light and warm. Use cozy shoes to prevent the risk of slipping.
  13. Better to wear glasses instead of contact lens for hygiene reasons.
  14. A simple mosquito repellent too has a role in making travelling easy and cozy.


With Proper safety measures armed with valid information’s, a healthy pregnant women can travel safely well into their pregnancy. Pregnancy is no way a hindrance to enjoy travelling with simpler efforts, careful planning and sportive sensible outlooks. Go ahead, Travelling is a therapy too !!!

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