The Mom Experts – The Mom Experts Sat, 11 Mar 2023 10:03:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Mom Experts – The Mom Experts 32 32 Week 40 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 09:58:40 +0000 Week 40 Read More »


Baby unloading!

The estimated due date is arriving! The mother may start feeling stronger contractions this week. However, it is normal for the baby to arrive post-40thth week. Healthy babies come in different sizes, and one cannot put a figure on the size or weight of healthy babies. 

Fetus at 40 weeks


Final showdown!


Sleep as and when you can. You must be well-rested. If sleeping on the bed, try sleeping facing sideways. Conserve your energy stores for labor. Worry less and try not to overthink the future.  Manifest that you are going to have an eventful labor.


Be prepared to go into labor anytime these last few weeks. Baby is kept all cozy, via the body fat, which is at least 15%. The baby gets engaged, that is, the head occupies the lower portion of the womb earliest by 35 weeks and anytime thereafter. Keep your hospital bags packed and stay positive for a fruitful labor experience.


Stem cell banking


Family cord blood banking means parents pay a private bank to store their baby’s cord blood so that they will have access to the stem cells in case of need. When parents deliver at a hospital that accepts cord blood donations for public transplants, they should ask if the hospital has any policy on DCC/ delayed cord clamping.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 39 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 09:50:06 +0000 Week 39 Read More »


Baby is the size of a jackfruit now and weighs nearly 3.4 kg!

  • The baby may arrive any time soon.

  •  Baby’s body fat is increasing to provide warmth post-birth. This is known as thermoregulation.

  •  Baby’s body fat is increasing to provide warmth post-birth. This is known as thermoregulation.

Fetus at 39 weeks


Hang in for a few more days to meet your little one. Your desire for these days to be cut short to meet your baby is quite understandable. Try doing yoga and meditation, especially breathing exercises, to calm your nerves. Keep all things in order as your ‘Real contractions’ might start anytime soon.


Vaginal delivery vs C section
  1. One of the main goals in every labor ward, dealing with childbirth, is performing a safe delivery with a healthy baby. During pregnancy, women should decide about the mode of delivery.
  2. Despite many myths, vaginal delivery is always safe and most preferred mode of delivery. In case of any complications that hinder normal delivery, your ob-gyn might advise you for a cesarean section.
Vaginal Delivery
  1. During vaginal birth, the mother will experience labor as her cervix dilates. Uterine contractions, move the baby’s head toward the vaginal opening. From here, the baby emerges after pushing. Some women opt for painkillers like an epidural, while others go medication-free.
  2. You will probably be able to hold your little one immediately after birth. The delivery can last 12 to 14 hours for first-time moms. It is usually quicker for subsequent births.
Cesarean section
  1. A C-section operation, on the other hand, usually takes about 45 minutes from start to finish (the baby is born in the first 10 to 15 minutes). The vast majority of C-sections are performed while the mother is awake.  Don’t worry, the mother receives either an epidural to numb the lower half of the body. The doctor makes an incision just above your bikini line and into the wall of the abdomen. Another incision is made in the wall of the uterus, through which the baby is delivered. Recovery time is difficult to predict. Different moms experience different levels of postoperative soreness.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 38 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 06:33:01 +0000 Week 38 Read More »


Baby is the size of a mini watermelon now and weighs nearly 3.3 kg!

  • The neurons in the brain are multiplying in number and the baby is putting on weight effectively.

  • The baby can firmly grasp her hands now.

  • Lanugo hair is almost completely gone. Some babies are born with hair, while some are born with sparse hair or bald head.

TME Tips: The hair that remains after birth is normal for some babies. Shaving or rigorous rubbing/massaging is completely unnecessary.

Fetus at 38 weeks


You might be feeling more uncomfortable these last weeks. Tucking in bed is also getting difficult. You may develop a sudden urge to keep your house squeaky clean, pre-prepare your meals and get all the things ready in place. This instinct to get everything ready is called ‘nesting’. Most women during this time go through this phase. There is nothing you need to worry about.

TME Tips: As you wait for the baby to arrive, don’t forget to cross off the last weeks’ checklist.


Induction of labor is a medical procedure where labor is started by your healthcare provider. This could happen if:


  1. You are past your due date. Click here to know signs of labor.
  2. You have medical complications like high BP, preeclampsia, infection, or diabetes.
  3. Your water broke, but labor did not start.
  4. You have low levels of amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 37 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 06:26:39 +0000 Week 37 Read More »


Baby is the size of an Ash gourd now and weighs nearly 3.0 kg!

  • The baby’s toenails have grown significantly. 

  • The hearing function is more advanced and facial movements have also increased.

  •  The pregnancy has now reached full term and the baby’s arrival is highly anticipated from now onwards.

Fetus at 37 weeks


  • Congratulations on your full-term pregnancy!

  • Your Braxton Hicks contractions are getting severe. When the contraction is increasing in frequency and intensity, you might want to contact your midwife/ Ob-gyn.

  • You might notice mucus plug streaks with blood at any time from now.

  • Your mood swings are more intense, and you might go into labor anytime now


Hello to dad-to-be! Help our Mom-to-be with lots of love and cuddles. As a partner, watching the changes that your partner goes through during the pregnancy can be very exciting and also stressful at times. Continue supporting her, in every way you can. 


Make sure that you coordinate with the Ob-gyn to keep track of the prenatal visits and understand the birth plan. Since it is unexpected, be prepared for surprises. Be ready to help your partner while she is in labor.  Motivate her or massage her feet or help her focus on breathing, among other things. Be flexible with your duty as a birth partner and help the mother decide on what works best for her.


Remember: You are your partner’s best support system, despite having the best medical supervisors around her. Be active in supporting her!

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 36 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 06:19:17 +0000 Week 36 Read More »


Baby is the size of a Lettuce bunch now and weighs nearly 2.86 kg!

  • Post 36th week, the pregnancy is called full-term, and chances of a baby thriving are very high when born post 36th week. 

  • Most babies by this week assume the head-down position, though some babies take more time. The chances of vaginal birth are higher in a head-down position.


  • The baby sheds most of the lanugo and vernix and may even swallow it. It gets digested and remains in the intestines. It is excreted post-birth in the baby’s first poop. Furthermore, it is dark brown or black, called meconium.

Fetus at 36 weeks


  • Increased pressure on your lower belly may be felt as your baby is descending further below. This is called the engagement of the head.

  •  Your loo trips are more severe than before, with an increase in fatigue and tiredness.

TME Tips: Keep calm mommy, you got this. Take good care of your diet and hydrate well.


  • Perineal massage is gentle, manual stretching of your pelvic floor to prepare the muscles and skin between your vagina and rectum for the birth of your baby. The goal is to reduce the risk of episiotomy, vaginal and perineal tears, and scars when you deliver.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 35 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 06:06:41 +0000 Week 35 Read More »


Baby is the size of a honey dew Melon now and weighs nearly 2.6 kg!


  • The baby has grown big and takes up most of the space in the womb. Thus, amniotic fluid quantity is reduced now.

TME Tips: Contrary to popular belief, drinking water or coconut water does not impact fluid levels. There is no certain natural way of increasing water levels. However, your ob-gyn may prescribe you some sachets/meds if your water levels are too low.

  • The baby’s movements can be felt as stretches, wiggles, and twitches.


  • The kidneys are fully functioning and urine is being produced.

  •  The liver also begins to metabolize toxic products from the body.

TME Tips: Your little one is now already behaving like an adult with all these advanced organ functions. Wait and see how much it will further evolve in the upcoming weeks and months ahead!

Fetus at 35 weeks


  • Your sleep schedule might get disrupted. Frequent urination and constipation become a part of your life.

TME Tips: Fret not, as this is just a phase and will pass soon. Make sure you stay well hydrated and eat foods rich in fiber to help with your constipation. Always remember, ‘Food is thy medicine!

  • The kicks and jabs your baby was giving you might now start to feel a little uncomfortable. Though it is common for the kicks to feel slightly different, the number of kicks should still be adequate, if not more.


Most of you mamas might experience pain down there and confuse it with real contractions. Here is a simplified table for you to differentiate between the 2 and not raise a false alarm.

Do not get stronger.
Get stronger.
Do not become regular.
Become regular and closer together.
Go away with walking.
Get stronger when you walk.
Feel strongest in front.
May begin in the back and move to the front.
There is no bloody show.
Bloody show is usually present.
Tend to go away with rest.
Consistently in regular intervals.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 34 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 14:59:23 +0000 Week 34 Read More »


Baby is the size of a Muskmelon now and weighs nearly 2.4 kg!


  • Babies born during this week are, premature. They have a higher chance of thriving if they have no other anomalies.
  •  Preterm babies are those that are born less than 37 weeks of gestation.
  • Late preterm is when born between 34 and 36 weeks early preterm is when born between 28 and 34 weeks extremely Early preterm is when born less than 28 weeks.   
  • The amniotic fluid may decrease in quantity every week. This is completely normal. The fluid becomes very less in the last term. Your Ob-gyn measures the levels via ultrasonography to determine if it is the right amount or not.


  • The cochlea in the ear starts to attain function and begins to send sound impulses to the brain. Because of this, voice recognition is also attained by the baby.

TME Tips: Talk and interact with your baby as much and as often as you can! Your baby may recognize voices and songs post birth too. Encourage your partner to do the same. 

  • The baby starts to assume a chubby appearance due to baby fat deposition. A special type of fat called brown fat helps in thermoregulation. It keeps the baby warm and prevents increased loss of heat.

  • Lungs continue to produce surfactant. It is a molecule that helps the baby breathe effectively without the lungs collapsing. The first breath a baby takes after birth is while crying. The presence of this surfactant keeps the lung airways open and prevents collapse.

Fetus at 34 weeks


  • Constipation and piles/hemorrhoids are noticed this week. This is due to the increased size of the uterus pressing on the rectum. 

TME Tips: A good diet and ample water are your ultimate saviors! Never skip your recommended water intake. Make sure you eat foods rich in fiber like oats and veggies to help with constipation and piles. If the blood loss is excess, consult your Ob-gyn immediately. 

  • Feet may also show increased swelling. 

TME Tips: Try to wear comfortable footwear and keep your feet above heart level. Lying down with feet at a higher plane also helps. However, sudden swelling of the feet & face accompanied by a bad headache and blurry vision indicates pre-eclampsia. Immediately contact your midwife/ Ob-gyn when you notice them.

  • Anxiety and depression may take a toll on your overall health. Hence, you should focus on yoga and meditation throughout pregnancy.

TME Tips: Talk to your partner about your feelings and do not carry the load alone. Consult a mental health expert like a psychologist or a counselor if you think you need some guidance. You are not alone, mama! Remember that your mental health status determines the health status of your little one.

  • Most mommies notice relief from the breathlessness they were experiencing earlier as the baby now shifts to the lower part of the uterus.

  • Check with your doctor about any placental abnormalities which may affect normal delivery.


Have you prepared your hospital bag yet? Unsure and overwhelmed by what to carry and what to skip?

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 33 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 14:48:27 +0000 Week 33 Read More »


Baby is the size of a Pineapple now and weighs nearly 2.15 kg!


  • The wrinkles on your baby’s face are smoothening out, and the baby is gaining weight faster.


  • The pupils react to light and change size by this week. The baby recognizes red first, as it is the color inside the womb.

  •  Baby’s bones are hardening while the skull is still soft and flexible. Gaps/ fontanelles in the skull helps to slide over each other and facilitate normal delivery.

Fetus at 33 weeks


  • Continued kicks and Braxton Hicks contractions are noticed. Some mothers might experience certain numbness in their hands and feet due to Carpal Tunnel syndrome.

TME Glossary: Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a condition that arises due to swelling around the wrist region. The reason is pregnancy hormones. This swelling exerts pressure on the main nerve of the wrist and can cause pain and numbness. CTS can be a warning sign of pre-eclampsia, hence keep a watch-out for other signs of raised BP. To relieve CTS, one can use cold compresses and wrist splints. Certain pain relievers that are compliant with pregnancy can also be used.

TME Tips: You know what else is helpful for all of these? Staying active by doing regular exercises, if permitted by your ob-gyn. Pregnancy is the time you need to prepare for postpartum as well, and exercises will help you with both.

  • Some vaginal discharge is also common for a few mothers. Heartburn, aches, and pains continue.

  • Altered sleep patterns and insomnia/reduced sleep is also noticed by most pregnant mothers.

  • Some mothers experience painful vaginal or pelvic electric-bolt twinges, called lightning crotch pain during pregnancy.


Braxton Hicks Contractions happen when the uterus tightens for a few seconds and then relaxes. These are false contractions/practice contractions, and you need not be worried. They are usually not regular. They also do not increase in frequency, as opposed to real contractions. When experiencing them, relax, sip water, and lie down for a bit. 

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 32 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 14:39:13 +0000 Week 32 Read More »


Baby is the size of a Chinese Cabbage now and weighs nearly 1.9 kg!


  • Some fetus assumes a head-down position also called a cephalic position around this week. An ob-gyn may confirm this by doing an abdominal examination. This is most ideal for normal vaginal delivery, where the baby is in a head-down position, with the baby’s back facing the maternal pelvis.


  • The baby’s toenails and fingernails have developed. The baby’s hair is also getting thicker and continues to grow post-birth.

TME Facts: Not all babies are born with luscious locks! Some have plenty of hair, while others have none. However, all babies are born with lanugo, which gets shed off in a few days to weeks post-birth.

  • The baby’s skull bones move slightly and overlap to fit in the birth canal.

TME Glossary: This process is called “molding”. Then onwards, skull bones slide over each other to easily get out of the pelvic canal.

Fetus at 32 weeks


  • This week onwards, the baby’s kicks are not only getting stronger but also become visible. The baby is growing at a rapid phase, So you might experience giddiness due to hypoglycemia/reduced sugar levels.

TME Tips: Eat well and stay hydrated! It’s the final few weeks and both your body and baby need your support. So keep a watchful eye on what you eat.

  • Breast changes in the form of darkening of the nipple and areola are seen as a preparatory mechanism of lactation. 

  • Continued calf cramps and back pain are noticed. Maintaining a good diet and taking proper supplements are important.


  • What is an NST/ Non stress test that your Ob-gyn suggests you to get one?

  • It is a test done to assess fetal well-being. It records the baby’s movements and fetal heart rate. There is an association between fetal movements and fetal heart rate acceleration, which indicates a healthy fetus. Normally, after 32 weeks, the baseline fetal heart rate is 110–160 beats/min.
  • Fetal biophysical profile (BPP):
  • These tests assess fetal wellbeing and use several parameters such as:
  • NST – Nonstress test done to assess your baby’s health before birth.

  • Fetal breathing movement – In the last weeks of pregnancy, these movements are present at least 30% of the time.

  • Fetal body movements – These movements can be felt by the mother as well in the form of kicks, squirms, and wiggling.

  • Fetal muscle tone –  This checks your baby’s muscular movements, such as opening and closing of mouth.

  • Amniotic fluid index values to assess the fetal health – Amniotic fluid is found around the fetus and provides nutrition and protection.

TME Tips: Amniotic fluid index is calculated via ultrasonography. The recordings are made after thorough observation of 30 minutes.

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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Week 31 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 11:40:52 +0000 Week 31 Read More »


Baby is the size of coconut now and weighs nearly 1.7kg


  • The baby is rapidly putting on weight and the majority of the development is done but the road to complete development is far and is yet to be completed.
  • The movements are also quite active as the baby kicks and nudges. The sleep-wake pattern is also getting regular and when asleep, the movements are reduced. 


  • The classic fetal position, where the body curls up like a cute ball, is attained. This is because the baby has grown big and there is less space for the uterus to accommodate the full length.

  • Your baby is practicing sucking and swallowing mama! This is because the first thing after birth is to latch the breasts and drink lots of milk.

Fetus at 31 weeks


  • Increased Braxton Hicks contractions, feet swelling and back ache continue.

TME Tips: Prenatal exercises help ease the aches and pains and Yoga keeps your mind and body at ease.

  • Breast tenderness and slight discharge may be seen as your breasts continue to prepare for lactation after birth.

TME Tips: Wearing a comfortable supporting brassiere helps with breast tenderness. Slight leak from your breasts is a sign of your body prepping for your little bundle of joy. There is nothing to be worried about.


Want to know about Premature/preterm birth?

  • When the baby is born less than 32 weeks of gestation, it is called preterm birth. It puts not only the baby but also the mother’s life at risk. Back-to-back deliveries with no spacing between children, chronic diseases in mothers, diabetes, hypertension, and a family history of preterm babies are a few common causes for the same. 

  • When preterm delivery is imminent, doctors give steroid injections to help the baby’s lung to mature. After delivery, the babies are also kept in a specialized care area called NICU/ Neonatal Intensive Care Units. The body temperature is maintained and a safe sterile environment is kept for preventing babies from harboring infections. Their feeding, breathing, and gaining weight is also taken care of by the NICU.

  • Regular doctor visits, consuming a balanced diet and not indulging in too much stress helps in avoiding preterm birth.a

Pregnancy, birth, and beyond – The Mom Expert’s one-stop solution to all your pregnancy and postpartum needs. Enroll now and get exciting pre-launch offers!

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