About The Mom Experts

About Us

The Mom Experts is a platform that offers pregnant and new mothers a supportive community of experienced moms and experts. We are committed to providing expectant mothers and families with the support and resources they need throughout their journey.

Our services include prenatal yoga classes, garbhasanskar, birthing classes, breastfeeding support, emotional counselling, lactation consultations, parenting support and more – a holistic program designed for both partners embarking on the parenting journey to equip you with everything you need for a happy, confident, and joyful pregnancy and postpartum.

Join us today and become part of a caring community that you can turn to for support anytime, day or night.

Our Story

I had a wonderful pregnancy and postpartum experience. I made sure to stay active, eat well, and encountered hardly any complications.
Attending regular prenatal yoga and lamaze sessions was an absolute game-changer for me. I felt fully equipped to handle any challenges that came my way during my pregnancy and postpartum journey.


However, when I came back to my hometown to deliver, I realised that not everyone was as fortunate, informed or prepared as I was. There was a lot of misinformation floating around, a lot of practices that were not only incorrect but also unsafe. Worst of all, there was a significant lack of support and care for new mothers from fellow mothers. The only source of information and support other than the medical team was one’s own parents/ grandparents / in-laws, who themselves were ill-informed or not up-to-date about various things or had forgotten most of the things they did back in the day. A community of moms to help her in those early days, a safe space to vent out or share, a village, was missing.


That is how The Mom Experts was born.


For the last 2 years TME has supported hundreds of parents right from preconception to toddler-hood, and continues to do so through our 100% online classes, a wealth of resources, including expert advice, informative articles, and a supportive community of like-minded moms.


So if you’re a new mom or soon-to-be mom, come join our virtual village! We’ve got your back.

Our Team

Krushnali Taori

Founder - TME

CA | ACLP | Lactation Expert