A guide on Multiple Pregnancies

Expecting twins/ triplets?? Then you should check out the below module to know everything about multiple pregnancies.


In This Article –

Causes Of Multiple Pregnancies

Twins, triplets and other higher order multiples constitute a multiple pregnancy. They are more common in a family with previous history of twin/ multiple pregnancies. It is also common in assisted reproductive procedures and in couples with increased maternal age. In increased maternal age, the hormones may cause more than one egg to be released, which when fertilized by sperms develop into multiple zygotes and multiple babies.

Identical And Non-Identical Multiples

Fraternal twins or non-identical twins are the most common kind of twins, where 2 eggs are simultaneously released by the ovary and are fertilized by 2 sperms respectively. Each baby develops with a separate placenta and amniotic sac. Here the twins may be 2 girls, 2 boys or a girl and a boy.


Identical twins are formed when the fertilized egg immediately divides and forms 2 foetuses.   Here, the twins may share the same placenta and amniotic sac or may develop with separate amniotic sacs. They are genetically identical and have similar physical traits. The sex of the babies is either 2 girls or 2 boys.


Triplets or higher order multiples can be either identical or fraternal or a combination of both and hence the gender can be only boys or only   girls or boys and girls. 

Diagnosing A Twin Pregnancy

Multiple pregnancies are mostly diagnosed by an Ob-gyn on Ultrasonography taken in first trimester.

Symptoms During Multiple Pregnancy

Though women usually have slightly exaggerated pregnancy symptoms when pregnant with multiple babies, this may or may not hold true for all women. The additional weight put on by the mother and the hormones make the women prone to certain additional symptoms like:


  1. Spotting
  2. Increased incidence of nausea and vomiting
  3. Indigestion and heart burn
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Back and hip ache
  6. Constipation

Any Special Care To Be Taken When Pregnant With Multiple Babies?

Taking care of oneself is taking care of the babies. Multiple check-ups need to be done to assess the growth and development of the babies. Extra scans and appointments with the Ob-gyn is highly suggested as it helps in working up the delivery mode and pros and cons of each mode. The scans also reveal whether the babies are united by a single placenta (monochromic) or not. This has an implication on the mode of delivery and complications related to it.


 Women also need to gain more weight when pregnant with multiple babies as compared to a single pregnancy. The most common implication of this being increased incidence of depression and anxiety among mothers. Some women face issues related to body image as they put on extra kilos for nourishing their multiple little ones. It is highly suggested to share these concerns with the doctor and with mum groups to feel at ease as they help the mother in coping up with the stress. Joining antenatal classes of mum-groups dealing with multiple pregnancies where others share their birth stories may be inspiring and also puts the mother at ease.


Extra blood pressure and urine check-ups are done as women with multiple pregnancies are at a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. Women also have apprehensions about caesarean delivery of babies and such concerns are to be shared with the Ob-gyn early-on. Not all mothers who are pregnant with multiple pregnancies deliver via C-section. There are instances of normal delivery too. However, sometimes such decisions need to be taken beside as complications in multiple pregnancies are slightly higher and C-section delivery may be inevitable. Such counselling is provided by the health care provider and there is usually plenty of time to think and act.

Labour And Birth Of Babies

Usually, women with multiple pregnancies give birth before 38 weeks. Based on the assessment of the babies and the complications, the Ob-gyn may choose for a normal delivery or a planned c- section delivery.


If woman is not in active labor, she may be induced and regular foetal monitoring is done with EFM. An epidural may also be given. If the first baby is in a head-down position, then normal delivery is most likely possible and post birth of the first baby, the position of second baby is assessed via ultrasound or vaginal examination. If the baby is in a head-down position, then normal vaginal delivery is possible. The placental delivery however is done with the help of a hormonal injection and not via the normal method as there is high risk of PPH and bleeding.

Complications In A Multiple Pregnancy

  1. Premature delivery is one of the most common complications of multiple pregnancies. It also has other implications on the baby like underdeveloped foetal lungs, vision difficulties and digestive problems.
  2. Gestational diabetes: a condition where the mother is diagnosed with high blood sugar during pregnancy is also a high risk for both the mother and the babies.
  3. High blood pressure in mother
  4. Twin-twin transfusion- where the placental blood vessel supplies more blood to one baby compared to the other. This is an increased risk of cardiac complications for both the babies.

Most women consider having multiple babies a boon and are enthralled by the news, for some it may come as a shock. There are definitely quite a few solvable but tough challenges a women faces when pregnant with multiple babies. Some additional family support and extra care with acquiring knowledge on the care of oneself and the babies is quite helpful. And seeking help whenever one feels low is highly suggested.

Take time and enjoy with your little ones!


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